- chmod +x *.*
- ./setup.sh or sh setup.sh to install styling.
- use command updatedw to update the script.
- shell [ usage shell * = sh *.sh OR bash *.bash ]
- txt [ usage txt * = cat * ]
- ins [ usage ins * = pkg install * ]
- ains [ usage ains * = apt install * ]
- dir [ usage dir = ls ]
- update [ usage update = apt-get update && apt-get upgrade]
- cds [ usage cds dir_name(supports pattern matching and sub-directory navigation) ]
- prm [ usage prm ext = chmod 777 *.ext ]
- md [ usage md foldername = mkdir foldername]
- msf [ usage msf = msfconsole] to launch metasploit
- msfdb [ usage msfdb = initdb $PREFIX/var/lib/postgresql && pg_ctl -D $PREFIX/var/lib/postgresql start] to connect to metasploit database if it isn't connected automatically which is often.
- Options
- -i makes the search case insensitive
- Run the script again to uninstall styling.
Special Thanks to xenoCoder01 for testing, modifying and helping to make this script work