This repository contains source code for the R/Bioconductor package QDNAseq.
To cite QDNAseq, please use: Scheinin I, Sie D, Bengtsson H, van de Wiel MA, Olshen AB, van Thuijl HF, van Essen HF, Eijk PP, Rustenburg F, Meijer GA, Reijneveld JC, Wesseling P, Pinkel D, Albertson DG and Ylstra B (2014) DNA copy number analysis of fresh and formalin-fixed specimens by whole-genome sequencing: improved correction of systematic biases and exclusion of problematic regions. Submitted.
Repository QDNAseq contains two branches: master and release. Branch master contains the current Bioconductor development version, and branch release contains the current release version.
The release branch of repository QDNAseq is also mirrored in the QDNAseq-release repository as branch master. This is because the two repositories use the Bioconductor Git-SVN bridge to mirror changes to the Bioconductor SVN repository, and the bridge can only use branch master of each GitHub repository.