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license-manager is a CLI license management tool for npm dependencies.


node >= v18.14.0
npm >= v9.3.1 (need npm query) or pnpm >= v8.10.0


npm install -g @cybozu/license-manager@latest


Analyze dependencies licenses

Analyze dependencies licenses.
If invalid package found, it outputs error.

license-manager analyze -q ".prod" -w . -l MIT -l ISC -p "@types/*" -p "react@*"

Extract dependencies licenses

Extract licenses to a single file.

license-manager extract -q ".prod" -w . -l MIT -l ISC -p "@types/*" -p "react@*"


Common Options

-q, --query


  • analyze: ":root *"
  • extract: ":root .prod"

Query string for npm query.
license-manager uses npm query to search packages.

Attention: If the package manager is pnpm, it cannot be specified; it is the same as ":root *" for analyze and ":root .prod" for extract.


default: (empty / process.cwd())

Current working directory for npm query.

-w, --workspace

default: (ignored)

Option for workspace option of npm query.

-m, --packageManager

default: (empty / Automatically detects)

Specify which package manager to use npm or pnpm. Automatically detected if you are running the command with npm run, npx, or pnpm run.

-c, --config

default: (./license-manager.config.js)

Config file path.

Options for analyze command

-l, --allowLicense

default: (empty / All licenses are denied)

Permitted license name.
If any package is found for which this option is not specified, analyze command will output errors.

-p, --allowPackage

default: (ignored)

Permitted package name.
Packages specified with this option are allowed regardless of the license.

-p [email protected]
-p [email protected] -p [email protected]

# Allow any version
-p foo
-p foo@*
-p foo@all

# Allow scoped package
-p @foo/*

Options for extract command

-l, --extractLicense

default: (empty / All licenses are extracted)

Extracts only packages with the specified license.
If omitted, all packages are extracted.

-p, --excludePackage

default: (ignored)

Excluded package name.

-o, --output

default: "licenses.txt" or "licenses.json"

Output file name.
Relative path from the current directory.


Output licenses in JSON format.
Based on the results of npm query, and some fields be added.

  • licenseText (string) : Extracted license text.
  • licenseTextPath (string)(optional) : File path to license text file. Omitted if override function is used.
  • apacheNotice (string)(optional) : Contents of NOTICE file. Exists only if Apache-2.0 license and NOTICE file exists.
  • apacheNoticePath (string)(optional) : File path to NOTICE file.

Config file

You can write all settings to license-manager.config.js.
If license-manager.config.js exists in the current directory, it is automatically loaded.
You can change the file path with the --config option. CLI options take precedence, but license and package specifications are merged.
And you can also specify a override function in case the license and license text cannot be detected.

module.exports = {
  workspace: ".",
  analyze: {
    query: ":workspace:is([name=app]) *",
    allowLicenses: ["MIT", /BSD.*/, "ISC"],
    allowPackages: ["mypackage", /eslint/],
  extract: {
    query: ":workspace:is([name=app]) .prod",
    excludePackages: [/^@cybozu/],
    extractLicenses: [/BSD.*/, "ISC"],
    output: "mylicenses.json",
    format: "json",
  overrideLicense: (dep) => {
    if ( === "foo/bar") {
      return "MIT";
  overrideLicenseText: (dep) => {
    if ( === "foo/bar") {
      return { licenseText: `MY PACKAGE LICENSE` };

    if ( === "license-manager") {
      return {
        licensePageUrl: `${dep.version}/LICENSE`,

Utility functions

You can use utility functions in license-manager.config.js.

isMatchPackage : Verifying that package name and version match

isMatchName : Verifying that package name match

isMatchVersion : Verifying that package version match

const { isMatchPackage } = require('@cybozu/license-manager');

module.exports = {
  overrideLicense: (dep) => {
    if (isMatchPackage(dep, "foo/[email protected]")) {
      return "MIT";