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Installing the Project

Arnaud Ferrand edited this page Nov 5, 2015 · 8 revisions

These install instructions have only been tested on Mac. Please let us know if you have any issues installing on other platforms here.

  1. Node & npm - please start by installing Node from their website package. This includes npm (Node Package Manager)
  2. Git - install Git, our version control language that allows us to record a history of every change made to the code base.
  3. Fork the project on github into your own repository
  4. Clone project - open terminal and navigation (cd) to where you want the project to exist in your computer. Then grab the URL to clone your forked version of the project and run git clone Once that has successfully been created, you can cd dropchop to the directory.
  5. Initialize dependencies by running npm install (this may require sudo npm install for the proper permissions). This will install all of the necessary dependencies.
  6. Gulp - This is our task runner, which allows us to combine and minify our javascript. Gulp can be installed globally on your computer by running npm install -g gulp, which gives you access to the command line interface.

Run gulp build:prod to prepare all vendor scripts and assets.

  1. Build your project - To build your project, run gulp to build from source and it will run a local server at localhost:8888, which is watching for changes. You should see something like this:
$ gulp                                                                                                     
$[gulp] Using gulpfile ~/dropchop/gulpfile.js
$[gulp] Starting 'lint'...
$[gulp] Starting 'js_dropchop'...
$[gulp] Starting 'html'...
$[gulp] Starting 'sass'...
$[gulp] Starting 'assets'...
$[gulp] Starting 'connect'...
$[gulp] Finished 'connect' after 10 ms
$[gulp] Starting 'watch'...
$[gulp] Finished 'watch' after 18 ms
$[gulp] Server started http://localhost:8888
$[gulp] Finished 'html' after 113 ms
$[gulp] Finished 'sass' after 167 ms
$[gulp] Finished 'lint' after 894 ms
$[gulp] Finished 'js_dropchop' after 888 ms
$[gulp] Starting 'js'...
$[gulp] Finished 'js' after 8.94 μs
$[gulp] Finished 'assets' after 882 ms
$[gulp] Starting 'build'...
$[gulp] Finished 'build' after 8.03 μs
$[gulp] Starting 'default'...
$[gulp] Finished 'default' after 7.56 μs

Your version of the project has been built successfully. Congrats! Head to localhost:8888 in your browser to see it in action.

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