The repository contains codes, tools, and data for screening CO2 storage potential of petroleum reservoirs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) developed in WP6 of the CSSR, namely:
- an open database data/_main.csv of 134 fields on the NCS compiled from:
- FactPages of the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
- Public portal of DISKOS database
- more references are to be found in the main.ipynb
- main.ipynb details the data retrieval, processing, and feature engineering workflows
- web app to visualize the data and perform screening deployed at
The version of the data and the codes from GHGT-17 conference and conference paper is tagged as "GHGT17"
The requirements are listed in requirements.txt (for pip) and requirements.yml (for conda). The environment can be reproduced by:
pip install requirements.txt
or conda env create -n [*env. name*] --file requirements.yml
NB! For Anaconda users. As Anaconda has recently updated its terms of service (read HERE and HERE), please check if you can use the default
channel. Remove it from the yml-file if necessary.