Adaptation for alexbotmini based on humanoidgym
@article{gu2024humanoid, title={Humanoid-Gym: Reinforcement Learning for Humanoid Robot with Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer}, author={Gu, Xinyang and Wang, Yen-Jen and Chen, Jianyu}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.05695}, year={2024} }
@inproceedings{gu2024advancing, title={Advancing Humanoid Locomotion: Mastering Challenging Terrains with Denoising World Model Learning}, author={Gu, Xinyang and Wang, Yen-Jen and Zhu, Xiang and Shi, Chengming and Guo, Yanjiang and Liu, Yichen and Chen, Jianyu}, booktitle={Robotics: Science and Systems}, year={2024}, url={} }