This demo application illustrate 2 APIs (/generateOTP and /validateOTP) that allow our client to perform these actions:
Generate OTP - It allows our client to generate an OTP for an UUID with AppID. The API will store the OTP into AWS DynamoDB. AN OTP will return in the API response.
Validate OTP - It allows our client to validate the OTP from previous API.
The underlying APIs are developed using:
- AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB (Local).
- NodeJS / NPM
- Serverless Framework ( It allows us to quickly deploy to AWS or other CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) using a single framework.
Download Docker Destop (Ref:
Go to file
located insms-otp/local-dynamoDb-docker
, run this command in the same directory:docker-compose up
Test the connection to AWS DynamoDB, run this command in your CLI:
aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
You should be see the result as this,
{ "TableNames": [] }
Create table for
in DynamoDB, run this command in your CLI:aws dynamodb create-table --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \ --table-name otp_table \ --attribute-definitions \ AttributeName=otp,AttributeType=S \ --key-schema AttributeName=otp,KeyType=HASH \ --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1
Create two(2) records in
table, run this command in your CLI:aws dynamodb put-item --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \ --table-name otp_table \ --item \ '{"otp": {"S": "123456"}, "appId": {"S": "CS-DEMO-APP-001"}, "uuid":{"S":"db6336f0-65a8-49df-b1ff-8c019e5a0d6a"}}' \ --return-consumed-capacity TOTAL
aws dynamodb put-item --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \ --table-name otp_table \ --item \ '{"otp": {"S": "654321"}, "appId": {"S": "CS-DEMO-APP-001"}, "uuid":{"S":"1ea8ab4e-ade7-4012-9d26-d355be05e5b1"}}' \ --return-consumed-capacity TOTAL
Scan entire table.
aws dynamodb scan --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 --table-name otp_table
(Do not execute) Delete the entire table in AWS DynamoDB if needed.
aws dynamodb delete-table --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \ --table-name otp_table
Setup local Docker for AWS DynamoDB, please refer to Step A. (Pre - One time setup) Setup Docker For AWS DynamoDb below.
Install Serverless
npm i -g serverless
Go to
, run npm installnpm install
Go to your terminal, cd into
, run the following commands:// Good serverless invoke local --function generateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","appID": "CS-DEMO-APP-002"}}'
You shall the the terminal response with the OTP:
{ "statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"otp\":\"715354\"}", "headers": { "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" }, "isBase64Encoded": false }
You can try the negative testing as below:
// Invalid Schema: serverless invoke local --function generateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","xxxxx": "CS-DEMO-APP-002"}}'
Go to your terminal, cd into
, run the following commands:// Good serverless invoke local --function validateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","appID": "CS-DEMO-APP-002", "otp":"??????"}}'
Note: The OTP can get from the step earlier
You shall the the terminal response with the OTP:
{ "statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"result\":true}", "headers": { "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" }, "isBase64Encoded": false }
You can try the negative testing as below:
//Wrong OTP: serverless invoke local --function validateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","appID": "CS-DEMO-APP-002", "otp":"000000"}}' // Invalid Schema: serverless invoke local --function validateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","xxxx": "CS-DEMO-APP-002", "otp":"000000"}}'