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This demo application illustrate 2 APIs (/generateOTP and /validateOTP) that allow our client to perform these actions:

  • Generate OTP - It allows our client to generate an OTP for an UUID with AppID. The API will store the OTP into AWS DynamoDB. AN OTP will return in the API response.

  • Validate OTP - It allows our client to validate the OTP from previous API.

The underlying APIs are developed using:

  • AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB (Local).
  • NodeJS / NPM
  • Serverless Framework ( It allows us to quickly deploy to AWS or other CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) using a single framework.


A. (Pre - One time setup) Setup Docker For AWS DynamoDb

  1. Download Docker Destop (Ref:

  2. Go to file docker-compose.yml located in sms-otp/local-dynamoDb-docker, run this command in the same directory:

    docker-compose up
  3. Test the connection to AWS DynamoDB, run this command in your CLI:

    aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

    You should be see the result as this,

     "TableNames": []
  4. Create table for otp_table in DynamoDB, run this command in your CLI:

    aws dynamodb create-table --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \
    --table-name otp_table \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=otp,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema AttributeName=otp,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1
  5. Create two(2) records in otp_table table, run this command in your CLI:

    aws dynamodb put-item --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \
    --table-name otp_table \
    --item \
        '{"otp": {"S": "123456"}, "appId": {"S": "CS-DEMO-APP-001"}, "uuid":{"S":"db6336f0-65a8-49df-b1ff-8c019e5a0d6a"}}' \
    --return-consumed-capacity TOTAL


    aws dynamodb put-item --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \
    --table-name otp_table \
    --item \
        '{"otp": {"S": "654321"}, "appId": {"S": "CS-DEMO-APP-001"}, "uuid":{"S":"1ea8ab4e-ade7-4012-9d26-d355be05e5b1"}}' \
    --return-consumed-capacity TOTAL
  6. Scan entire table.

    aws dynamodb scan --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 --table-name otp_table
  7. (Do not execute) Delete the entire table in AWS DynamoDB if needed.

     aws dynamodb delete-table --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \
         --table-name otp_table

B. Setup Serverless

  1. Setup local Docker for AWS DynamoDB, please refer to Step A. (Pre - One time setup) Setup Docker For AWS DynamoDb below.

  2. Install Serverless

    npm i -g serverless
  3. Go to sms-otp/serverless, run npm install

    npm install

C. Test the APIs

(A) Generate OTP

  1. Go to your terminal, cd into sms-otp/serverless/lambda, run the following commands:

    // Good
    serverless invoke local --function generateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","appID": "CS-DEMO-APP-002"}}'

    You shall the the terminal response with the OTP:

     "statusCode": 200,
     "body": "{\"otp\":\"715354\"}",
     "headers": {
         "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
     "isBase64Encoded": false

    You can try the negative testing as below:

    // Invalid Schema:
    serverless invoke local --function generateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","xxxxx": "CS-DEMO-APP-002"}}'

(B) Validate OTP

  1. Go to your terminal, cd into sms-otp/serverless/lambda, run the following commands:

    // Good
    serverless invoke local --function validateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","appID": "CS-DEMO-APP-002", "otp":"??????"}}'

    Note: The OTP can get from the step earlier

    You shall the the terminal response with the OTP:

     "statusCode": 200,
     "body": "{\"result\":true}",
     "headers": {
         "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
     "isBase64Encoded": false

    You can try the negative testing as below:

    //Wrong OTP:
    serverless invoke local --function validateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","appID": "CS-DEMO-APP-002", "otp":"000000"}}'
    // Invalid Schema:
    serverless invoke local --function validateOTP --data '{"body": {"uuid": "ef9b08ff-cde3-4db1-aeb6-e00b820705c7","xxxx": "CS-DEMO-APP-002", "otp":"000000"}}'


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