A single page application using React and Typescript to display the listing of affordable properties.
Tech used: React and Typescript
Create React App with Typescript was used to setup the project. The dataset of the listings were provided as a json file and the json-loader package was installed. This allowed me to create a demo REST API. The react pagination library was used to display the property listings and divided the listings into multiple pages.
Filtering the dataset
- Filter by property name. I have the search bar component setup, but need to figure out a way to get the data back to the parent. I also would have liked for the user's input to be case insensitive.
- Filter by unit amentiy. This would have required the manipultion of the current result by applying filters, then return the filtered result.
- Filter by min and max occupancy range. Again, this would have required the manipulation of the current result by applying filters, then return the filtered result.
Responsive Design and Accessibility
- Create a web page that adjusts for different screensizes.
- Follow standards and best practices. Some things to check are text size, color pallete used, etc.
- Add a nav bar and footer.
- Add additional pages such as a login, about page, etc.
- The main thing I learned was to keep things simple. I initially started building the backend thinking I would follow the MVC architechture. While that would have worked, installing and untilizing json server made things a lot easier.
- Going through the json server doc, I found there were different ways to query the data and found one that could sort the data alphabetically.
- I learned how to use react pagination library to display the property listings and by calculating the pages, the correct amount of pages were listed.
- Using Typescript made me cognizant of what types of data are being passed.