pbs is a small project demonstrating how:
- github.com/clarktrimble/delish
- github.com/clarktrimble/giant
- github.com/clarktrimble/launch
- github.com/clarktrimble/sabot
each add industrial strength to a Golang project.
pbs consists of:
- Resize, resize photos from a Google Takeout tarball
- Load, post metadata scraped from a Takeout tarball and resized images to pbs api
- Api, json web api supporting PhotoBook App
The PhotoBook App is yet to be published. Suffice it to say that it consumes objects of the form:
"photo_id": "7hwDrAx",
"src": "http://tartu/photo/resized/PXL_20230722_090048284-large.png",
"width": 1020,
"height": 768,
"thumb": "http://tartu/photo/resized/PXL_20230722_090048284-thumb.png",
"thumb_gs": "http://tartu/photo/resized/PXL_20230722_090048284-thumb-gs.png",
"lat": 60.3149083,
"lon": 24.9611861,
"taken_at": "2023-07-22T09:00:48Z",
"featured": true
Salacious details forthcoming!
In the meantime, cmd/api provides a good starting point for the curious:
type Config struct {
Version string `json:"version" ignored:"true"`
Truncate int `json:"truncate" desc:"truncate log fields beyond length"`
Bolt *bolt.Config `json:"bolt"`
Server *delish.Config `json:"server"`
func main() {
// load config, setup logger
cfg := &Config{Version: version}
launch.Load(cfg, cfgPrefix)
lgr := &sabot.Sabot{Writer: os.Stdout, MaxLen: cfg.Truncate}
ctx := lgr.WithFields(context.Background(), "run_id", hondo.Rand(7))
ctx = graceful.Initialize(ctx, &wg, lgr)
// create router/handler, and server
rtr := chi.New()
handler := mid.LogResponse(lgr, rtr)
handler = mid.LogRequest(lgr, hondo.Rand, handler)
handler = mid.ReplaceCtx(ctx, handler)
svr := cfg.Server.New(handler, lgr)
// setup service layer and register routes
repo, err := cfg.Bolt.New()
launch.Check(ctx, lgr, err)
defer repo.Close()
photoSvc := &photosvc.PhotoSvc{
Logger: lgr,
Repo: repo,
rtr.Set("GET", "/config", svr.ObjHandler("config", cfg))
// delicious!
svr.Start(ctx, &wg)
The above demonstrates how one could choose to follow a well-trodden path to implement http api's and clients in Golang. Factoring and reusing some parts of a well-trodden path can, eventually, save time and increase reliability. Small, lightweight, and well constrained modules tend to break-even more often and more quickly.
The underlying approaches illustrated have some general acceptance. B-but, neither the well-trodden path presented nor the underlying approches illustrated are considered superior to others.
One could, ever so gently, make the case that a team choosing and cohering to some set of workable paths/approaches is likely to outperform one that does not. In the same breath, one could also reflect on the inefficiencies of large-scale and/or orthodox proscriptions we may have had the misfortune to toil beneath.
So yeah, it's about code reuse at the tactical level, which can be fun to think about and perhaps even profitable :)
16:// Todo: all photos are global, need a scoping concept, i.e.: "Baltic Travels"
// Todo: comment on name to filename conventions somewhere plz (thumb, large, and so forth)
17:// Todo: short post on mutating Golang slices, may need to look back in log..
18:// Todo: look at pulling straight from takeout from tarball
19:// Todo: look at using multiple cores
65:// Todo: would save time to combo yeah? (gs that is)
Always nice to log a copy of the loaded config right away!
Build test instructions