A cheap and easy to build HDMI lag tester. Through hole components were chosen to aid in assembly. Resistors and Caps are still surface mount but a larger 0805 package size.
An altera USB-Blaster is required to program the board. Firmware was created by Chriz2600 and can be found on his Github https://github.com/chriz2600/time-sleuth
For convenience the V1.1 PCB is shared on OSH Park. Please order in 1.6mm thickness. https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/Jw3gMtl8
A 3D printed case is also available but not required for the unit to function. The STL file can be downloaded from here: https://www.shapeways.com/product/DRHQ8MRWT/time-sleuth-top https://www.shapeways.com/product/R2SNB5DNT/time-sleuth-bottom