bin is a collection of scripts and utilities that live in my Dropbox and are added to my path. At some point in time, each of these scripts seemed like a useful (or fun) thing to have.
By Chris Beard (
A reminder of how one has lived.
$ age
Time since XX:XX AM/PM, Month Day Year:
xx years
x,xxx weeks
x,xxx days
xxx,xxx hours
xx,xxx,xxx minutes
xxx,xxx,xxx seconds
Shows number of days until provided date
$ eta 2/29/16
7 day(s) until 2/29/16
$ eta 12-25-16
307 day(s) until 12-25-16
Shows how much space can be saved by compressing a file (does not work for directories).
$ compressibility log.txt
file size 22174
gzip size 3947 (17%)
bz2 size 4573 (20%)
Shows the size of files and/or directories.
$ sizeof *.txt *.zip
147 bytes groceries.txt
678 bytes things to bring.txt
12 MB