Python library for adding and reading useful metadata to png files.
This is so I can remember how I created a plot!
This software has only been tested on Linux and only for python 2.x.
Using Git clone the package to a local folder of your convenience...
git clone
If you don't have Git, click on 'download zip' on the top right of this page and extract to a folder called 'imgtrkr'.
- python 2.x
This package can be used in two ways:
- imported as a python package (allows reading AND writing of metadata)
- command line for reading (ONLY) of metadata
Here's a movie that covers, installation and usage...
Note: you can pause this video and copy and paste code!
- See examples/ (for pythong package usage)
- python examples/test.png (for command line use)
The code was written by Christopher Bull.
Christopher Bull.
Affiliation: Climate Change Research Centre and ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Sys tem Science.
Level 4, Mathews Building
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2052
Contact: [email protected]
twitter: @ChrisBullOceanO