- Based on RestSharp (http://restsharp.org) to deserialize the VirusTotal JSON into objects
- Scan, rescan and get report of scanned files
- Scan websites and files
- Support for HTTP and HTTPS
- Support for checking if files have been scanned before
Here is the simplest form of getting data from VirusTotal:
static void Main(string[] args)
VirusTotal virusTotal = new VirusTotal("INSERT API KEY HERE");
//Use HTTPS instead of HTTP
virusTotal.UseTLS = true;
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo("testfile.txt");
//Create a new file
File.WriteAllText(fileInfo.FullName, "This is a test file!");
//Check if the file has been scanned before.
Report fileReport = virusTotal.GetFileReport(fileInfo).First();
bool hasFileBeenScannedBefore = fileReport.ResponseCode == 1;
if (hasFileBeenScannedBefore)
ScanResult fileResults = virusTotal.ScanFile(fileInfo);
File has been scanned before: True
Scan finished, scan information embedded in this object
For more examples, take a look at the VirusTotal.NET Client included in the project.