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Yannick Warnier edited this page May 19, 2023 · 10 revisions

This "work in progress" dictionary is meant to replicate the concept of data dictionary for the database structure, but for the different reports Chamilo currently offers.

There are several main categories of reports, which will come handy in the reports lists below.

Reports should all bear a number between 00001 and 99999, where the first digit is a category, the second and third digits represent the type of report, and the 2 last digits are the report itself.

All reports should be identified in the Chamilo HTML code by an id attribute in the upmost element enclosing the full report, in the form of a string composed of report- and the given id. As such, the report on the number of courses by categories at the URL /main/admin/statistics/index.php?report=courses should bear the report-1301 as it is a bar chart for the administrator, and it just happens to be the first one available on this page.


The main report categories are as follow:

  • Category 1: These are reports available to students. Usually their own tracking, the average of other students in the course, etc.
  • Category 2: Course tracking reports. Those are the reports accessible to teachers and course coaches in sessions, usually to check the evolution of courses and their students.
  • Category 3: Administrative reports. Those are all reports that present data usually only accessible to platform administrators. Things like number of user connections, courses by languages, teachers time on the platform, etc. These also include reports accessible to roles like session administrators, session (general) coaches, etc.

Report types

The report types are their format or visual representation.

  • Type 11: Table report. Presents data in colums and rows
  • Type 12: Table report but in an extractable format (XLSX, ODS, TXT, JSON, PDF)
  • Type 21: PROGRESS: Just a progress bar (while not a report per conventional understanding, it does report visually on some important data)
  • Type 31: BAR: Data presented as a bar chart (horizontal or vertical)
  • Type 41: PIE: Data presented as a pie chart
  • Type 51: HISTO: Data presented as a histogram
  • Type 61: RADAR: Data presented as a radar chart (or "spiderweb")
  • Type 71: DONUT: Data presented as a donut/doughnut chart
  • Type 81: to be completed
  • Type 91: OTHER: Data presented in any other form.

Reports list

Based on the numbering above, we can start defining all reports. We present them as a table with as much synthetic information as possible

ID Name Data shown URL to access Notes
11101 Own progress in courses Time, progress, score, last connexion in each course subscribed to /main/auth/my_progress.php On "My progress" tab
11102 Own progress in one course Tests, LPs, Skills /main/auth/my_progress.php?course=XYZ
11103 Past attempts to a test Start date, IP address, Score of past attempts to the test /main/exercise/overview.php?cidReq=WYZ&id_session=0&exerciseId=123
12101 Course progress in courses list Progress in learning paths of the course, score and/or certificates obtained /user_portal.php Requires enabling $_configuration['course_student_info']['progress'] in configuration.php
11201 My certificates List of obtained certificates /main/gradebook/my_certificates.php
11202 Skill details Shows the details of one skill and the possibility to export those as OpenBadge /badge/9/user/1
11103 Skills rank Shows my ranking vs other users on the platform in terms of # of skills obtained /main/social/skills_ranking.php
19101 Timeline Timeline of own accesses to courses /main/auth/my_progress.php At bottom of report 11101
19102 Details of past attempt to a test Detailed report, question by question, of one attempt /main/exercise/result.php?cidReq=XYZ&id_session=0&id=123
19103 Personal data Personal data stored about one user /main/social/personal_data.php Used to ensure we comply with GDPR on user's access to its own data
19104 Skills wheel Shows a list of all obtained skills /main/social/skills_wheel.php

Access per role/profile

  • A Anonymous
  • I Invitee
  • S Student
  • CA Course assistant
  • HR Human Resources
  • T Teacher
  • SCC Session-course coach
  • SC Session coach
  • SA Session admin
  • PA Portal admin
  • GA Global admin
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