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The Constitution of the Computer Club at Western Michigan University

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The Constitution of The Computer Club at Western Michigan University


The Computer Club at Western Michigan University was formed in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-six by James Sleep and Jay Martin on the campus of Western Michigan University. It has no bounds on computer competency for membership therein. The Computer Club at Western Michigan University is formed solely for the betterment of all persons interested in computers and technology.

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name

The official name of this organization is "The Computer Club at Western Michigan University." Hereunto it may be referred to as "Club" or "CCAWMU."

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of Club is:

  • To promote a better understanding of computers.
  • To facilitate the sharing of ideas among its members.
  • To develop hardware and software for Club and affiliated institutions.

Section 3: Goals

The goals of Club include:

  • Improve the state of the art of computing.
  • Provide a friendly, helpful, and social atmosphere for those interested in computer hardware, software, and other technology.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Requirements for Membership

Student Members

Student Members are those currently enrolled students at WMU who have agreed to Club's ethics policy. Student Members shall be entitled to all privileges.

Non-Student Members

Non-Student Members are those persons who have agreed to Club's ethics policy. Non-Student Members shall be entitled to all privileges except those prohibited by University policy.

Lifetime Members

Lifetime Members are those persons who Club thusly recognizes, as described below. Lifetime Members shall be entitled to all privileges except those privileges prohibited by University policy and, furthermore, shall not be required to pay annual dues to maintain Good Standing.

Should an individual make outstanding contributions to Club deserving of high honors, they may be eligible to become a Lifetime Member. Should an Officer wish to propose Lifetime Membership for an individual, they must obtain unanimous agreement from all other Officers. A Vote shall then be held regarding whether the individual should be granted the status of Lifetime Member.

Section 2: New Memberships

Membership shall be granted to an individual in the event that:

  • They express an interest in having Club membership.
  • They meet the requirements for the type of membership they wish to obtain.
  • They have paid annual dues.

Section 3: Good Standing

A member in Good Standing is a member who has met the requirements for annual dues and has upheld Club's ethics policy. If a member is not in Good Standing, they may not participate in Votes, Elections, or Motions.

Section 4: Termination of Membership

Members not in Good Standing may have their membership terminated by any Officer. Upon termination of membership, the individual shall lose all privileges previously granted. A student who is an ex-member may appeal the termination to the Office of Student Activities.

An individual may voluntarily terminate their membership at any time.

Section 5: Statement of Non-Discrimination

No individual shall be denied membership based on the protected classes of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, protected disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, height, weight, or marital status.

Article III: Officers and Appointed Positions

Section 1: Definition of the Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the following Officers:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Vice-Treasurer
  • Secretary

Section 2: Officer Descriptions and Duties


The responsibilities of the President include:

  • Oversee Club in general.
  • Oversee the other Officers of Club.
  • Preside at all meetings of Club and of its Executive Board.

The responsibilities of the Vice-President include:

  • Assist the President in completing their duties.
  • Determine if and how appointed positions should be filled.
  • Assume those duties of the President that the President delegates to the Vice-President.

The responsibilities of the Treasurer include:

  • Deposit and disperse the Club funds.
  • Maintain Club financial records.
  • Prepare weekly and annual financial reports for Club.
  • Develop funding proposals for submission to those bodies who might provide funding to Club.

The responsibilities of the Vice-Treasurer include:

  • Assist the Treasurer in completing their duties.
  • Assume those duties of the Treasurer that the Treasurer delegates to the Vice-Treasurer.

The responsibilities of the Secretary include:

  • Keep minutes of all regular meetings.
  • Prepare Club correspondences.
  • Maintain a file of Club correspondences.
  • Maintain membership records.

Section 3: Election Procedure

An Election for the Officers of Club shall be held once a year at the end of the spring semester.

Section 4: Appointed Positions

The following positions are not part of the Executive Board and do not have Elections held for them. The Vice-President shall determine what Student Member(s), if any, shall hold the following appointed positions, provided that the Student Member(s) in question wish to hold the position(s) in question.

Systems Manager

The responsibilities of the Systems Manager include:

  • Assist the Vice-President in day-to-day computer operations.
  • Maintain software and hardware owned by Club.
  • Monitor system security of Club systems.
  • Maintain Club's web server.
Relations Manager

The responsibilities of the Relations Manager include:

  • Advise the Executive Board regarding Club's relationship with third parties.
  • Maintain and build relationships with third parties, especially other WMU organizations.

Section 5: Provision for Fulfilling Unexpired Terms of Office

If an Officer vacates their position early, the following processes shall be used to ensure the responsibilities of the vacant position are fulfilled. If one of the processes results in a newly vacated position (most likely due to an Officer being transferred to a new position and leaving their prior position vacant as a result), continue applying the processes repeatedly as necessary.

If the position of President is vacant, the position shall be filled by Vice-President. Should the position of Vice-President also be vacant, the position shall be filled by the next occupied position from this list.

  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Vice-Treasurer
  • Systems Manager
  • Relations Manager

If the position of Treasurer is vacant, the position shall be filled by Vice-Treasurer, provided the position of Vice-Treasurer is occupied.

If the position of Secretary, Vice-Treasurer, or Vice-President is vacant, or the position of Treasurer is vacant and cannot be filled as above, and if the position is vacated during the fall or spring semester, the position shall be filled by an Election during the next regular meeting.

If the position of Secretary, Vice-Treasurer, or Vice-President is vacant, or the position of Treasurer is vacant and cannot be filled as above, and if the position is vacated during the summer semester, the position shall be filled by one of the following methods, as determined by the President:

  • The President selects another Officer to be transferred to the vacated position.
  • The President appoints an acting Officer, who shall serve until the fall semester, at which time an Election shall fill the position during a regular meeting of the President's choosing not later than September 30th.
  • The President assumes the duties of the vacated position until the fall semester, at which time an Election shall fill the position during a regular meeting of the President's choosing not later than September 30th.

Section 6: Recall Procedure

If any person or persons believes that an Officer should be removed from their position for any reason, they shall obtain a petition to this effect containing the signatures of 25% of the members in Good Standing. They shall then present such a petition to the Executive Board. A Vote shall then be held regarding whether the Officer in question should be removed from their position. This Vote is known as a vote of no confidence.

Section 7: Resignation Procedure

If an Officer wishes to resign, they may do so at any time.

If an Officer intends to resign in the near future, they should alert the Executive Board of their intentions. In such a situation, if an Election would be used to fill the vacated position, the President may determine that the Election be held before the Officer officially resigns, with the winning candidate filling the Officer's position at the time of their resignation.

Section 8: Attendance Policy

No Officer shall be absent for more than four consecutive meetings or more than five total meetings in a semester, except that an Officer may appoint a proxy to attend the meeting and assume their duties in their absence. If any Officer violates this policy, any other Officer may terminate their status as an Officer as if by vote of no confidence.

Article IV: Finances

Section 1: Funding

Annual Dues

The Treasurer shall determine the annual dues at the beginning of the fall semester.

Annual dues shall be assessed on all members that aren't Lifetime Members at the beginning of the fall semester, to be paid no later than the first regular meeting after September 30th. New members that aren't Lifetime Members shall be assessed their dues as a requirement for being granted membership.

Other Funds

Funds may be obtained for general operations and special projects from any source, not be detrimental to Club, as Club sees fit.

Section 2: Utilizing Funds

If any member wishes to utilize Club funds, they may require approval, as described below:

  • If the expense is less than $30 and the member is an Officer, no approval is needed.
  • If the member is an Officer and the funds are used exclusively to replace or repair the critical infrastructure of Club, no approval is needed.
  • If the expense is less than $30 and the member is not an Officer, the member must receive approval from the Treasurer or Vice-Treasurer.
  • Otherwise, the member must receive approval through a Vote.

Section 3: Off-Campus Accounts

Banking for Club shall be conducted through PNC bank.

Section 4: Disposition of Non-University Funds in the Case of Inactivation:

In the case of the inactivation of Club, non-University Funds for Club shall be made available for Club's Advisor to be donated to a technology-related organization legally qualified for non-profit status.

Section 5: Statement of Financial Policy

The Computer Club at Western Michigan University will follow and be subject to all University policies, procedures, and practices regarding student organization accounts and finances.

Article V: Statement of Compliance

The Computer Club at Western Michigan University will comply with all Office of Student Engagement and University policies, procedures, and practices and all local, state, and federal laws.

Article VI: Constitutional Amendments

If any Student Member wishes to amend this constitution materially, such as to change its structure or content, the following process must be completed.

  • The Student Member submits the proposed amendment to the Executive Board, along with a statement describing the purpose, scope, and effect of the proposed amendment.
  • An Officer shall announce the proposed amendment and read aloud the statement describing the purpose, scope, and effect at a regular meeting during the fall or spring semester.
  • At the request of any Officer, the amendment shall be read aloud in full.
  • The proposed amendment, along with the statement describing the purpose, scope, and effect of the proposed amendment, shall be published on the club website.
  • After a comment period of 14 days from the regular meeting at which the proposed amendment is announced, a Constitutional Vote on the amendment shall be scheduled for the soonest regular meeting on or after the date which ends the comment period.

If any Student Member wishes to amend this constitution superficially, such as to correct formatting or spelling mistakes, the following process must be completed.

  • The Student Member submits the proposed amendment to the Executive Board.
  • An Officer shall announce the proposed amendment.
  • At the request of any Officer, the amendment shall be read aloud in full.
  • A Constitutional Vote on the amendment shall be held immediately.

Article VIII: Formal Procedures

Section 1: Votes

Voting Procedure

If a situation requires a Vote, the following process must be completed:

  • An Officer shall, during a regular meeting, announce the purpose of the Vote and describe what the effects of passing the Vote would be and what the effects of failing the Vote would be.
  • Members must be given adequate time to raise any questions or concerns regarding the purpose of the Vote and its effects.
  • An Officer shall ask for a show of hands of all those eligible members who wish to show support to pass the Vote. If a clear majority shows support to pass the Vote and the Vote is not a recount, the next step may be skipped.
  • An Officer shall ask for a show of hands of all those eligible members who wish to show support to fail the Vote.
  • If more than 50% of votes cast show support for passing the Vote, the Vote passes. If more than 50% of votes cast show support for failing the Vote, the Vote fails. If neither threshold is met, the President casts a deciding vote to pass or fail the Vote.


If an individual does not wish to vote, they may abstain. They may do this by refraining from raising their hand during a Vote.

When casting the deciding vote, the President may not abstain.


If any member believes that Club does not have sufficient knowledge to perform a Vote effectively, they must pass a Motion to that effect. If the Motion is passed, a Vote shall be conducted regarding whether the original Vote shall be deferred, except that the Vote to defer may not be deferred. If the Vote to defer passes, the original Vote shall be conducted at the next regular meeting instead of immediately.


If any member believes that the results of a Vote were incorrectly counted and wishes for a recount, they must pass a Motion to that effect. If the Motion is passed, the Vote is conducted again, except that the new Vote may not be recounted.

Section 2: Constitutional Votes

If a situation requires a Constitutional Vote, the process to be completed is the same as the process for a Vote, except that the minimum percentage of Members required to pass the vote is raised to 66.67%, and the minimum percentage of Members required to fail the vote is lowered to 33.33%.

Section 3: Elections

If a situation requires an Election, the following process must be completed:

  • Any member who wishes to nominate a candidate to run in the Election must pass a Motion to that effect. The candidate must be a willing Student Member.
  • If only one candidate is running, they are elected.
  • If two or more candidates are running, all members (including candidates) may cast one vote for any candidate.
  • After all votes have been counted, the candidate with the most votes is elected. The winning candidate need not have a majority of votes as long as they have more votes than all other candidates.

Section 4: Motions

If a situation requires a Motion, the following process must be completed:

  • A member shall declare that they wish to pass a Motion. The member in question shall be said to have proposed the Motion.
  • Should any other member agree to pass the Motion, the Motion shall be passed. The member in question shall be said to have seconded the Motion.
  • Should a reasonable amount of time pass without any member agreeing to second the Motion, the Motion shall be failed.

Article IX: Regular Meetings

The Club shall hold regularly scheduled public meetings, known as regular meetings, as determined by the Executive Board, at least once per week during the fall and spring semesters. At these meetings, the current operations and projects of Club shall be discussed as well as any other appropriate topics.

Article XI: Advisor

Club shall have an Advisor selected from among faculty or staff who wish to advise the Club in all its functions as a registered student organization.

Revision History

  • First Draft-Constitution outline 7/7/77
  • Second Draft-Constitution outline 4/28/83
  • Editing done on 9/1/83 9/5/83 9/30/83
  • Editing done on 10/08/83 10/16/83 10/17/83
  • Editing done on 12/10/86
  • groff "man" formatting done on 8/1/94
  • Third Edition Constitution rewrite 8/??/94
  • Constitutional amendment proposal 1/30/97
  • Updated Funding Section per University Requirements 10/26/10
  • Fourth Edition Constitution rewrite 1/26/23


The Constitution of the Computer Club at Western Michigan University






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