Tiny demo of playing different chords using elm-webaudio.
Forked from https://github.com/trotha01/elm-webaudio
Upgraded to elm 0.18.
To run the examples locally:
cd elm-progress
To compile the examples locally:
cd elm-progress
elm-make src/Main.elm
- reset play each time to avoid refresh (has to do with stopOscillator in WebAudio.elm)
- change default notes to something sensible
- change model to isOpen.Dropdown
- in general: avoid _ = in exchange for better functions
- play progressions (4-12 bars)
- improve interface: add measure, loop, tempo, ...
- simple vs. advanced mode
- switch to just tuning
- voice notes to account for voice leading, parallelism, chromatic steps
- randomise chords and voicing
- add more chords to the database
- incorporate database for modulation and substitutions
- incorporate database for common chord progressions, see also
- automated arrangement given chords + melody? see also