clone this repository
git clone ~/dotfiles
navigate into dotfiles directory
cd ~/dotfiles
make the script executable
chmod +x
run the script
The default color scheme is Smyck, which looks best with the corresponding terminal theme installed as well.
Using one of the following fonts is recommended: Right now, I use Inconsolata. On iTerm2, you may have to make the size of "Non-ASCII Font" smaller than the size of "Regular Font" in order to ensure everything lines up in your powerline. I typically use 12pt for "Regular" and 10pt for "Non-ASCII".
- ; maps to :
- ,a: ack from the current directory
- ,b: browse tags
- ,c: toggle comments
- ,C: toggle block comments
- ,nt: open file in new tab
- ,l: toggle NERDTree
- ,k: syntax-check the current file
- ,o: open file
- ,p: toggle paste mode
- ,t: new tab
- ,s: vertical split window
- ,hs: horizontal split window
- ,w: close tab
- kj: enter normal mode and save
- Ctrl+{h, j, k, l}: move among windows
Inspiration drawn from @ranman, @tmacwill, @MattNguyen