More just just a Python wrapper for CheddarGetter, pycheddar gives you class objects that work a lot like Django models, making the whole experience of integrating with CheddarGetter just a little more awesome and Pythonic.
CheddarGetter abstracts the entire process of managing credit cards, processing transactions on a recurring basis, and even more complex setups like free trials, setup fees, and overage charges. Writing that from scratch would take forever. We'd end up spending months writing code that doesn't do anything to help businesses harness social media - all it does it help us get their money.
Just clone this repository anywhere in your PythonPath like this:
$ git clone
or get the most recent stable version from PyPi like this:
$ easy_install pycheddar
Note that you'll also need to get httplib2 if you don't already have it. The easy_install version from PyPi loads it automatically as a dependency, but if you just clone the git repository you'll need to get it yourself.
Once you've done one of the above, you can test to see if it is installed from the Python interactive terminal:
>>> import pycheddar
If you don't get an error, you should be good to go.
PyCheddar was created as part of the code base for FeedMagnet - an online app that helps businesses harness with social media. We use CheddarGetter to handle all of our payment processing for premium accounts.
We really believe in open source software - and we've benefited a ton from it. We use Ubuntu, Python, Django, MySQL - and a bunch of other open source tools to make FeedMagnet run. Open source only works if we all give back. This is hopefully just our first minor contribution to the open source community.
Set up your CheddarGetter login info:
>>> from pycheddar import *
>>> CheddarGetter.auth('e-mail address', 'password')
>>> CheddarGetter.set_product_code('product code')
Get all customers (returns a list of Customer objects):
>>> customers = Customer.all()
>>> for customer in Customer.all():
... print customer.last_name
Get a customer that already exists, either by the ID or the code in CheddarGetter:
>>> customer = Customer.get('4072cc12-5375-102d-86dc-40402145ee8b')
>>> customer = Customer.get('MY_CODE')
Get customers based on arbitrary criteria:
>>> customers = = 'Smith')
Edit information about a customer:
>>> customer = Customer.get('4072cc12-5375-102d-86dc-40402145ee8b')
>>> customer.last_name = 'Jones'
Add a new customer:
>>> # this works...
>>> customer = Customer(code = 'JOHN_SMITH', first_name = 'John', last_name = 'Smith', email = '[email protected]', plan_code = 'FREE')
>>> # and this does too...
>>> customer = Customer()
>>> customer.code = 'JOHN_SMITH'
>>> customer.first_name = 'John'
>>> customer.last_name = 'Smith'
>>> = '[email protected]'
>>> customer.plan_code = 'FREE'
Get a customer's subscription information:
>>> subscription = Customer.get('JOHN_SMITH').subscription
Edit a customer's subscription information:
>>> subscription = Customer.get('JOHN_SMITH').subscription
>>> subscription.cc_number = '4111111111111111'
>>> subscription.cc_first_name = 'John'
>>> subscription.cc_last_name = 'Smith'
>>> subscription.cc_expiration = '01/2013'
>>> subscription.cc_zip = '77777'
>>> subscription.cc_card_code = '000'
Switch a customer to a new plan:
>>> # lots of ways to do's one:
>>> subscription.plan = Plan.get('COMPREHENSIVE')
>>> # or...
>>> subscription.plan = 'COMPREHENSIVE'
>>> # or...
>>> customer.plan_code = 'COMPREHENSIVE'
View the items included in a plan...
>>> for item in plan.items:
... print (item.code, item.quantity)
Set an item's quantity (if the item is attached to a customer):
>>> item = customer.items[0]
>>> item.quantity = 5
>>> # note, CheddarGetter doesn't let you edit item quantity on
>>> # plans through the API, so that will fail...
>>> item = plan.items[0]
>>> item.quantity = 5
pycheddar.exceptions.ValidationError: Items may only have their quantity altered if they are directly attached to a customer.