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genoiser: the noise is the signal

given a lot of alignment files, genoiser helps to find the areas of the genome that have noise signals that result in bad variant (small, SV, ME) calls. It finds per-sample noise and then aggregates across samples and reports the number of samples at each base in the genome that had a given noise signal. These regions can be used as black-list regions instead of or in addition to LCRs.

mosdepth uses chromosome-sized arrays of int32's to track sequencing depth. This is fast and flexible.

given mosdepth as a special-case for depth, genoiser is a general case for user-defined functions. mosdepth could be implemented with genoiser.

An added benefit is the reduction of memory; mosdepth allocates an int32 array the size of each chromosome--meaning about 1GB of memory for chromosome 1. genoiser can use smaller-sized chunks to tile across each chromosome. This is important because it uses 1 array for each user-defined function. It defaults to 8 megabase chunks as that is the smallest size with no noticeable effect on performance in our tests. Chunk sizes down to 100KB have some, but minor effect on performance.

The idea is of genoiser is that it will handle all accounting, a user simply defines a nim function that takes an alignment and then indicates which genomic positions to increment. For example, to calculate depth, this user function would increment from start to end:

proc depthfun*(aln:Record, posns:var seq[mrange]) =
  ## depthfun is an example of a `fun` that can be sent to `genoiser`.
  ## it increments from aln.start to aln.stop of passing reads.
  var f = aln.flag
  if f.unmapped or f.secondary or f.qcfail or f.dup: return
  posns.add((aln.start, aln.stop, 1))

The posns value is sent to the function by genoiser and the user-defined function can add to it as many elements as desired. In this case it increments from aln.start to aln.stop by 1. It can inrement by any integer value.

The user could also choose to increment any soft or hard-clip location:

proc softfun*(aln:Record, posns:var seq[mrange]) =
  ## softfun an example of a `fun` that can be sent to `genoiser`.
  ## it sets positions where there are soft-clips
  var f = aln.flag
  if f.unmapped or f.secondary or f.supplementary or f.qcfail or f.dup: return
  var cig = aln.cigar
  if cig.len == 1: return
  var pos = aln.start

  for op in cig:
    if op.op == CigarOp.soft_clip or op.op == CigarOp.hard_clip:
      # for this function, we want the exact break-points, not the span of the event,
      # so we increment the position and the one that follows it.
      posns.add((pos, pos+1, 1))
    if op.consumes.reference:
      pos += op.len


This library provides the machinery. Other command-line tools will use this for more obviously useful things.


for maximum speed, compile with nim c -d:release --passC:-flto --passL:-s --gc:markAndSweep src/genoiser.nim


The command-line interface allows running pre-specified noise filters in 2 steps. The first steps calculates the "noise" in each sample.

genoiser per-sample --fasta $reference results/$sample /path/to/$sample.bam # or cram

This will use a single thread and it will take about 1 hour for 30X bams and a bit more for crams. It will output 5 files per sample. at the specificied prefix, in this case, results/$sample

After all samples have been run, then the user can aggregate the signal across samples. The recommended commands are:

chroms="$(seq 1 22) X Y"

## soft
# count number of samples at each site where more than 1 and less than 15% of reads were soft-clipped.
echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e '(value / depth) < 0.15 & (value > 1)' results/*.genoiser.{}.soft.bed > soft.{}.bed"

# count number of samples at each site where more than 2 where soft-clipped.
echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e '(value > 2)' results/*.genoiser.{}.soft.bed > high-soft.{}.bed"

## mq0

# count number of samples at each site where more than 2 reads had MQ0.
echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e '(value > 2)' results/*.genoiser.{}.mq0.bed > mq0.{}.bed"

## weird
# count number of samples at each site where more than 1 and less than 15% of reads were weird.
echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e '(value / depth) < 0.15 & (value > 1)' results/*.genoiser.{}.weird.bed > weird.{}.bed"

echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e '(value > 2)' results/*.genoiser.{}.weird.bed > high-weird.{}.bed"

## mismatches

# count number of samples at each site where 10 or more reads read with 4 or more mismatches overlapped.
echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e 'value > 10' results/*.genoiser.{}.mismatches.bed > mismatches.{}.bed"

# interchromosomal

# count number of samples at each site where more than 1 and less than 15% of reads were interchromosomal.
echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e '(value / depth) < 0.15 & (value > 1)' results/*.genoiser.{}.interchromosomal.bed > interchromosomal.{}.bed"

echo $chroms | tr ' ' '\n' \
    | gargs -d -v -p 5 "genoiser aggregate -t 10 -e '(value > 2)' results/*.genoiser.{}.interchromosomal.bed > high-interchromosomal.{}.bed"

where gargs is available as a static binary from here

This will output 1 file per chromosome, per metric. The resulting files are the desired output.

Note that this will use 5*10 threads. Adjust this to match your CPU requirements.