Note: This repository does not include any of the assets necessary to build the ROM. A prior copy of the game is required to extract the needed assets.
Note: Be sure to use git clone --recursive
when cloning the repo for the submodules.
You must get that on your own and please do not ask for that in the discord due to discord's TOS.
PAL 1.0 MD5
MattsCreative has a great videos and tutorial on how to compile this project Below:
FAQ Click here for more infomation on the Project!
- 20, 30, 60, and 120 FPS support (experimental) (defaults to original bug free 20 FPS)
- Right joystick free camera control (can be disabled)
- Ability to load high resolution GLideN64 texture packs such as oot-reloaded.
- The ability to assign equipment (boots, tunic, etc) to C-Buttons.
- The ability to assign equipment (boots, tunic, etc) to keyboard keys and gamepad buttons.
- Using B/Attack to execute the currently equiped C-Button equipment in first person mode (so you can fire the hookshot with either the C-Button or B).
- Gryo aiming.
- Controller rumble support.
- Keyboard and mouse aiming support.
- Fast text option (hold B during dialog).
- Fast forward gameplay keybind.
- Multilanguage supported (F9 to toggle). Currently supports English, German and French (more languages on the way!).
- Pause menu keyboard/gamepad rebind screen.
- Ability to disable the Owl prompts in config.json
- Cheats in config.json
- Ability to invert gryo, mouse, left stick, and right stick in config.json
The current main contributers of this project are blawar and DaMarkov
You must get that on your own and please do not ask for that in the discord due to discord's TOS.
Step one install all required Programs below
Python 3.10 Add to path during the install
Git Choose x64 Build and Use the git bash to clone the repo and to run
Visual Studio Community 2022 During setup click C++ development
Visual Studio 2019+ is the only currently supported build environment, and only the 32-bit X86/WIN32 build
You must use the ZAPD that is included with this repository, and not the main branch as it is modified.
Step 2 Follow what is below!
If you are using the EUR PAL 1.0 retail rom,
make sure baserom_original.z64 or baserom_original.n64 is inside the correct folder as shown below:
iF the roms hash is not correct it won't extract the assets and continue. "hash_md5": ["c02c1d79679f7ceb9a3bde55fff8aa13"]
Open git Bash or command prompt and type:
git clone --recursive
after it's done type cd ooot
run this command next to extract the assets from the rom. (baserom_original.z64 must exist in the directory \ooot\roms\PAL_1.0\
python -b PAL_1.0
if you are using the EUR Master Quest Debug rom.
make sure baserom_original.z64 or baserom_original.n64 is inside the correct folder as shown below:
if the roms hash is not correct it won't extract the assets and continue. "hash_md5": ["f0b7f35375f9cc8ca1b2d59d78e35405", "8ca71e87de4ce5e9f6ec916202a623e9"
Open git Bash or command prompt and type:
git clone --recursive
after it's done type cd ooot
run this command next to extract the assets from the rom. (baserom_original.z64 must exist in the directory \ooot\roms\EUR_MQD\
python -b EUR_MQD
Open OOT.sln
, you will find this in \ooot\vs
make sure Debug - Win32** or **Release - Win32
is selected, then hit build.
Once the build completes, press F5 to start it if you are testing code but if you are compiling to play right click oot
on the side and click build.
git checkout dev
git pull origin dev
git submodule update --init --recursive
python -b PAL_1.0
And compile as normal! when in game press F7 to go back to 20FPS and F8 to go up to 30FPs 60FPs and 120FPS!
open git bash type:
cd ooot
git pull
python -b PAL_1.0
python -b EUR_MQD
and Open OOT.sln
, you will find this in \ooot\vs
make sure Debug - Win32** or **Release - Win32
is selected, then hit build.
Not currently supported, however a makefile and porting of GLideN64 would allow this and a PR is welcome.
Linux does not currently work. The below steps are for development purposes.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev:i386
sudo apt install libpng-dev
sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev:i386
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install meson
Arch Linux
edit /etc/pacman.conf annd go to the bottom uncomment multilib so remove the # do not touch testing.
sudo pacman -S gcc lib32-gcc-libs
sudo pacman -S sdl2 lib32-sdl2
sudo pacman -S meson
sudo pacman -S python-pip
sudo pacman -S libpng
Fedora Linux
sudo dnf in gcc
sudo dnf in SDL2-devel
sudo dnf in meson
sudo dnf in python3-pip
sudo dnf in libpng
sudo dnf in g++ -b EUR_MQD
meson setup linux --cross-file x86-linux-gnu
cd linux
All contributions are welcome. This is a group effort, and even small contributions can make a difference. Some tasks also don't require much knowledge to get started. The best contribution that can be made, is playing the game and reporting bugs by opening a github issue on this repository. Code contributions, as well as porting changes from the upstream repo are greatly appreciated.
Most discussions happen on our Discord Server, where you are welcome to ask if you need help getting started, or if you have any questions regarding this project and other decompilation projects.
Only commits after Dec 27, 2021 a862411 are covered under this GPL v2 license, as the original upstream repo unfortunately did not have a license and can not be relicensed retroactively.
This software is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2, with exemptions noted below:
Nintendo is exempt from GPLv2 licensing and may (at its option) instead license any source code authored for this project under the MIT license.
Ship of Harkinian is exempt from GPLv2 for the ZAPD XML files and the below commit hashes and may instead license those files/changes under the MIT license as long as they properly credit the contributors of those files in their primary readme.
- damarkov: Programming
- frizzle101101: Free Camera and high framerate fixes
- lehpumeh: Endless Testing
- mattscreative: Videos, Tutorials, and Wiki