% duocli 8
duocli - CLI Interface to Duo Admin API: https://duo.com/docs/adminapi
--config, -c="": load configuration from JSON FILE
--help, -h: show help
--version, -v: print the version
manage users
create a user
--email, -e="": email address of user
--firstName, -f="": first name of user
--group, -g="": add user to group, can be specified multiple times to add user to multiple groups
--lastName, -l="": last name of user
--realName, -r="": real name of user
--status, -s="": status of user: active, disabled, or bypass (default: active)
--username, -u="": username
get one or more users and display as JSON
--username, -u="": username, can be specified multiple times
modify a user's attributes, add or remove group membership
--addgroup, -g="": add user to groups, adds to existing memberships, and can be specified multiple times to add user to multiple groups
--create, -c: create user if not found
--delgroup, -G="": remove user from groups, removes from existing memberships, and can be specified multiple times to remove user from multiple groups
--email, -e="": email address of user
--firstName, -f="": first name of user
--lastName, -l="": last name of user
--realName, -r="": real name of user
--status, -s="": status of user: active, disabled, or bypass
--username, -u="": username
delete user and any attached phones
--phone, -P: delete any phones found attached to the user before deleting the user
--username, -u="": username, can be specified multiple times