GoBookAPI is a sample RESTful JSON API written in Go, designed to manage books, provide user authentication/authorization using tokens, and execute various operations including adding, deleting, viewing, and updating books. The API utilizes a PostgreSQL database for data storage and retrieval.
System Monitoring:
- Logging
- Metrics
- Alerts
- Healthcheck
- Tracing
- Error Handling
- CORS avoidance
- IP-based rate limiting
- Stateful token-based approach for secure authentication and authorization
Data Management:
- Book addition
- Book deletion
- Book updating
- Partial data updates
- Book retrieval
- Parsing and validating query string parameters
- Listing data
- Filtering and full-text search
- Sorting and paginating
- Returning pagination metadata
- Optimistic concurrency control
- Continuous integration (CI)
- Docker (Containerization)
βββ Dockerfile
βββ Makefile
βββ README.md
βββ cmd
βΒ Β βββ api
βΒ Β βββ books.go
βΒ Β βββ context.go
βΒ Β βββ errors.go
βΒ Β βββ healthcheck.go
βΒ Β βββ helpers.go
βΒ Β βββ main.go
βΒ Β βββ middleware.go
βΒ Β βββ routes.go
βΒ Β βββ server.go
βΒ Β βββ tokens.go
βΒ Β βββ users.go
βββ docker-compose.yaml
βββ go.mod
βββ go.sum
βββ internal
βΒ Β βββ data
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ books.go
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ filters.go
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ models.go
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ pages.go
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ tokens.go
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ users.go
βΒ Β βββ jsonlog
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ jsonlog.go
βΒ Β βββ validator
βΒ Β βββ validator.go
βββ migrations
βββ 000001_create_books_table.down.sql
βββ 000001_create_books_table.up.sql
βββ 000002_add_books_check_constraints.down.sql
βββ 000002_add_books_check_constraints.up.sql
βββ 000003_add_books_indexes.down.sql
βββ 000003_add_books_indexes.up.sql
βββ 000004_create_users_table.down.sql
βββ 000004_create_users_table.up.sql
βββ 000005_create_tokens_table.down.sql
βββ 000005_create_tokens_table.up.sql
There are two options:
- You can run the project without docker.
- You can run the project with docker.
- Go
- PostgreSQL
- make
- go-migrate
- git
- Code Editor
- First, clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/barantoraman/GoBookAPI.git
- Move into the directory:
cd GoBookAPI
- Create a PostgreSQL database with a named gobookapi.
- Create a POSTGRESQL superuser with named gobookapi.
- Set the password.
- Create the environment variables for databases:
Edit the specified field in the Makefile that is related to the data source name, as per your requirement.
Run the project:
make setup
- π Now you can test the endpoints as demonstrated in the Usage Examples section. π
- First, clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/barantoraman/GoBookAPI.git
- Move into the directory:
cd GoBookAPI
- Build the containers using the configuration in docker-compose.yaml:
make docker/build
- Start the containers using the configuration in docker-compose.yaml:
make docker/run
- Stop the containers:
make docker/stop
- Healthcheck:
- Endpoint to perform a health check and ensure the application is running smoothly.
curl localhost:4000/v1/healthcheck
- Metrics:
- Endpoint to retrieve application metrics for monitoring and analysis.
curl localhost:4000/debug/vars
- Signup:
- If you wish to use the other functionalities of the application and test its additional endpoints, you need to sign up. Otherwise, you'll receive a (HTTP) 401 Unauthorized response.
curl -d '{
"name": "Eliza Thornberry",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "random-password123"
}' localhost:4000/v1/users
- Login:
curl -d '{
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "random-password123"
}' localhost:4000/v1/tokens/authentication
- Add a Book:
curl -d '{
"isbn": "0000000000001",
"title": "Book1",
"author": "Author1",
"genres": ["genre1", "genre2", "genre3"],
"pages": "100 pages",
"language": "English",
"publisher": "Publisher 1",
"year": 1900
}' -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Update a Book:
- Update all details of the book in the database.
curl -X PATCH -d '{
"isbn": "0000000000001",
"title": "Book1",
"author": "Author1",
"genres": ["genre1", "genre2", "genre3"],
"pages": "100 pages",
"language": "English",
"publisher": "Publisher 1",
"year": 1966
}' -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Partial Update: -Updating specific fields of the book's information.
curl -X PATCH -d '{
"year": 1902
}' -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Delete a Book by id:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
-X DELETE "localhost:4000/v1/books/4"
- Get All Book:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Get All Book:
- For example, in this scenario, there will be a single results page with 2 results on that page.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Searching example:
- Searching for the desired book based on its features(Title + Author).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Searching example:
- Searching for the desired book based on its features(Title).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Searching example:
- Searching for the desired book based on its features(ISBN + Title + Author).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Searching example:
- Searching for the desired book based on its features(ISBN).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Searching example:
- Searching for the desired book based on its features(Genres).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Searching example:
- Searching for the desired book based on its features(Title).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Full Text Search (enough to contain the word):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by ID (ASC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by ID (DESC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by Title (ASC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by Title (DESC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by Year (ASC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by Year (DESC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by Author (ASC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \
- Sort by Author (DESC):
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer UPXA2GVIOIE6KWUWDTT5NG4SH4" \