Notes on NGS data analysis: lumpy skin disease virus (lsdv) genome assembly and mutation analysis.
- FastQC. (on github)
- Trimmomatic
- bowtie2 on github
- samtools. (samtools on github and bcftools on github)
- python and pyvcf
- Ugene
- Complete Genome Sequence of the Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Recovered from the First Outbreak in the Northern Caucasus Region of Russia in 2015 Authors: Alexander Sprygin, Yuriy Babin, Yana Pestova, Svetlana Kononova, Olga Byadovskaya, Aleksandr Kononov. DOI:
- Sprygin A, Babin Y, Pestova Y, Kononova S, Wallace DB, Van Schalkwyk A, et al. (2018) Analysis and insights into recombination signals in lumpy skin disease virus recovered in the field. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0207480.