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Version 0.15.0

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@aron-bram aron-bram released this 13 Feb 12:35

Version 0.15.0

ADD #1317, #1455, #1485, #1501, #1518, #1523: Initial support for multi-objective Auto-sklearn.

ADD #1300, #1410, #1414, #1415, #1420, #1468, #1500: Intial support for text features Auto-sklearn. You can now pass in columns identified as “string” columns which will be tokenized using pure sklearn methods.

ADD #1475: Support for passing X data to metrics, as required by fairlearn metrics

ADD #1341, #1250: Expose interface to interact with how auto-sklearn performs dataset compression when required

DOC #1304: This adds documentation for SMAC callbacks that can be used by Auto-sklearn.

DOC #1476: Example on how to interupt autosklearn with a callback, implementing a very naive early stopping

MAINT #1364, #1473: Improve import time of Auto-sklearn 2 by moving the construction of the selector model from import time to construction time.

MAINT #1425: Update StopWatch to be context manager.

MAINT #1454: Rename interal bool parameters categorical to feat_type to reflect the use of different feature types

MAINT #1474: remove left-overs of a “public test set” from the code. This has no influence on any user-facing code.

MAINT #1487: Replace deprecated of DataFrame.append

MAINT #1504: Rename rval to return_value or run_value to remove ambiguity

MAINT #1506: Increase the time given to meta-learning-related unit tests to decrease the amount of timeouts on github.

MAINT #1527: Relax MLPRegressor unit tests precision.

MAINT #1545: Add explicit lower bound subsample check in the train evaluator

MAINT #1551: Fix issue with updated scipy skew see here.

MAINT #1434: Refactor the ensemble building process

MAINT #1464: Improve testing, with caching (#1464), modularity (#1417)

MAINT #1358: Add tooling Mypy, Flake8, isort, black

FIX #741: Disable hyperparameters for a special data modality if it is not present, for example disable one hot encoding if no categorical features are present.

FIX #1365, #1369: Fix an issue with ensemble_size == 0.

FIX #1374: Pass random state to all components of a pipeline.

FIX #1432: Fixes an issue in which the AutoSklearnClassifier.leaderboard() or AutoSklearnRegressor.leaderboard() could fail to display results.

FIX #1480: Properly terminate Auto-sklearn on an exception or a keyboard interrupt.

FIX #1532: Removes exception printing at shutdown for latest dask versions. The printed exceptions did not impact performance at all and were only confusing as they suggested failures of Auto-sklearn.

FIX #1547: Fixes a bug in Auto-sklearn 2 that could silently break it when passing in pandas DataFrames.

FIX #1550: Fix recent bug when performing evaluations with pandas Y.