This is a collection of simple projects for bare-metal MCU development. Both Makefiles and IDE projects are provided when possible. The target compiler is GCC.
- Atmel SAMD09D14 (SAM D10 Xplained Mini with chips swapped)
- Atmel SAMD10D14 (SAM D10 Xplained Mini)
- Atmel SAMD11D14 (SAM D11 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMD20J18 (SAM D20 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMD21J19 (SAM D21 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMDA1J16B (SAM DA1 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMC21J18 (SAM C21 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAML21J18 (SAM L21 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAML23N18 (SAM L22 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMG55J19 (SAM G55 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMG53N19 (SAM G53 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMV71Q21 (SAM V71 Xplained Ultra)
- Atmel SAME70Q21 (SAM E70 Xplained)
- Atmel SAM4SD32C (SAM 4S Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAM4LC4C (SAM 4L Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAME54P20A (SAM E45 Xplained Pro)
- Atmel SAMD51J20A (Custom Project Board)
- Microchip SAML10E16A (SAM L10 Xplained Pro)
- Microchip SAML11E16A (SAM L11 Xplained Pro)
- SiFive FE310-G000 (HiFive1)
- ST STM32G071 (Custom Board)
- ST STM32G031 (8-pin device on a breadboard)
- GigaDevice GD32F407VET6 (Custom Board)
- Nuvoton M484SIDAE (Custom Board)
- Raspberry Pi RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico)