- Login/Signup User Account
- Update Profile/Password User Account
- Reset Password Mail using Sendgrid
- forget password recover
- post images can be uploaded using the file system.
- copy the link to the post.
- search other users by username.
- user suggestions menu.
- delete posts and comments.
- Explore the page to view other posts by random users.
- profile page.
- edit profile page user data.
- password is stored in the database in an encrypted format with salt.
- create and edit posts.
- like, comment, and edit posts.
- posts include text(caption) and image(s).
- comment on posts.
- reply to comments.
- like comments.
- profile page shows user details and posts with a following and followers menu.
Technologies Used Some of the technologies used in the development of this web application are as follow:
- MongoDB Atlas: It provides a free cloud service to store MongoDB collections.
- React.js: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Node.js: A runtime environment to help build fast server applications using JS.
- Express.js: A popular Node.js framework to build scalable server-side web applications.
- Redux.js: A predictable & global state container for React apps.
- Mongoose: An ODM(Object Data Modelling)library for MongoDB and Node.js
- Heroku: A platform(PaaS) to deploy full-stack web applications for free.
- JSON Web Tokens or JWTs: A standard to securely authenticate HTTP requests
- Material UI: The most popular front-end framework, rebuilt for React.
- nodemailer: Send mails using a node-based server
- Cloudinary Node.js packages that help deal with file uploads.