The jQuery plugin for equal height of the elements in the row
- match the heights of elements anywhere on the page
- match the heights of child elements
- the number of elements in a row may be different
- responsive, automatically updates on window resize
- callback events
- handles images
- tested in IE8+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Mobile browsers
child : ['.child1','.child2'],
eachRow : true,
windowLoad : true,
windowLoadReset : true,
applyOnlyChild : true,
parent : '.wrapper',
onRowBefore : function( elements ) {},
onRowAfter : function( elements ) {},
onResizeBefore : function( elements ) {},
onResizeAfter : function( elements ) {},
onLoad : function( elements ) {}
child Equal height internal child elements
default: []
child: ['.child1','.child2']
eachRow Apply for each row individually
default: false
eachRow: true
windowLoad Execute after full page load
default: false
windowLoad: true
windowLoadReset Reset on full page load, callback "onLoad" not call
default: false
windowLoadReset: true
applyOnlyChild Apply only child
default: false
applyOnlyChild: true
parent Set custom parent
default: false
parent: '.wrapper'
onRowBefore Before assigning height in the row
default: function(){}
onRowBefore: function( elements ){ // your code here }
elements: elements in row
onRowAfter After assigning height in the row
default: function(){}
onRowAfter: function( elements ){ // your code here }
elements: elements in row
onResizeBefore Before the resize event
default: function(){}
onResizeBefore: function( elements ){ // your code here }
elements: all elements in wrapper
onResizeAfter After the resize event
default: function(){}
onResizeAfter: function( elements ){ // your code here }
elements: all elements in wrapper
onLoad Executes immediately after plugin is fully loaded
default: function(){}
onLoad: function( elements ){ // your code here }
elements: all elements in wrapper