Arduino Alvik library, code your Alvik
To use this library, you need an Arduino® Alvik robot.
Once the Arduino® Nano ESP32 of the robot is attached to the computer, select Arduino Nano ESP32
from Arduino IDE 2 to program it.
Flash color_calibration
sketch into Arduino Nano ESP32 mounted on Alvik and follow the instructions on serial monitor.
The white and black values will be written into ESP32 EEPROM.
Since this issue, Arduino® Alvik Carrier is not integrated yet into STM32duino's boards.
At the moment, it is possible to:
- Open the Bridge example in the Arduino IDE by going to File > Examples > Arduino_Alvik > bridge_firmware_updater. (For this, the board's firmware must be reset to work in the Arduino IDE.)
- Open STM32 Cube Programmer.
- Set the connection to UART mode, the Port to whichever port the board is connected to, and DTR to HIGH. You can now press Connect. Make sure the robot is ON.
- Go to the Erasing & Programming tab and set the File path to the firmware (this will be a .bin file) you are trying to program. The updated releases can be found here. You can find the latest release here. You can now press Start Programming.
- arduino-alvik-mpy: MicroPython library required to program Alvik
- Arduino_AlvikCarrier: Arduino library required to build the firmware
- Arduino Alvik product page