❗Important ❗ Zero-knowledge proofs only work for number values. Make sure to use the
format when issuing dates, otherwise this won't work.
Credential definition ID The identity card credential definition ID is:
Guardians of identity, the Sovereign State Department, has been the architect of public documentation for generations. Within its historical walls, every citizen's official journey commences with the issuance of a government ID.
- Government ID Credential:
- Full Name: [e.g., John Doe]
- Year of Birth: Numeric value representing the year of birth [e.g., 1993]
- Address: Full residential address [e.g., 123 Freedom Drive, Capital City]
- ID Number: Unique identification number [e.g., GVT12345678]
ZKP University, a cradle of knowledge since the Renaissance, stands as a testament to timeless education. It opens its venerable doors to those who seek wisdom, demanding nothing but a government-sanctioned ID as a token of entry.
- Government ID Credential:
- Predicate: The Year of Birth must be "lessThanOrEqualTo" the current year minus 18 to verify adulthood without revealing the exact date.
- Enrollment Credential:
- Student ID: A unique identifier for the student [e.g., ZKPU123456]
- Enrollment Year: Numeric value representing the year of enrollment [e.g., 2023]
- Course of Study: The field of study or program [e.g., Computer Science]
- Degree Credential:
- Degree Type: The level of degree obtained [e.g., Bachelor's]
- Field of Study: The specific area of study [e.g., Software Engineering]
- Graduation Year: Numeric value representing the year of graduation [e.g., 2027]
- Cumulative GPA: Grade point average upon graduation [e.g., 3.7]
Promoting vitality and vigor, Fit4Life Club remains a sanctuary for those balancing the rigors of academic pursuits with the quest for physical well-being, rewarding the dedication of the enlightened student.
- University Enrollment Credential:
- Predicate: The Enrollment Year must be "greaterThanOrEqualTo" the current year to confirm active enrollment.
- Student Discount Membership Credential:
- Membership ID: A unique identifier for the gym membership [e.g., F4LC789012]
- Membership Type: Type of access granted [e.g., Full, Classes Only]
- Valid Through Year: Numeric value representing the year the membership is valid through [e.g., 2024]
At the forefront of innovation, Innovatech Enterprises harnesses the power of intellectual prowess, sculpting a future where technology and human ambition converge.
- University Degree Credential:
- Predicate: The Cumulative GPA must be "greaterThanOrEqualTo" a certain threshold (e.g., 3.0) to ensure the candidate meets the academic standards for the role.
- Proof of Employment Credential:
- Employee ID: Unique identifier within the company [e.g., INN456789]
- Position: Job title or position [e.g., Junior Developer]
- Start Year: Numeric value representing the year employment commenced [e.g., 2023]
- Contract Type: Nature of employment [e.g., Full-time, Part-time, Contract]
The Global Alliance Authority stands as the gatekeeper for global talent, enabling the cross-border exchange of skills through a meticulously fair and secure verification process.
- Government ID Credential:
- Selective Disclosure: Verify Full Name and Year of Birth only.
- University Degree Credential:
- Predicate: The Graduation Year must be "lessThanOrEqualTo" the current year to ensure the degree is recent.
- Work Permit Credential:
- Permit Number: Unique identifier for the work permit [e.g., WP1234567890]
- Valid From Year: Numeric value representing the year the permit becomes effective [e.g., 2024]
- Valid To Year: Numeric value representing the year the permit expires [e.g., 2026]
- Occupation: Job role or sector allowed [e.g., IT Consultant]
Under the city lights, The Velvet Rope curates exclusive evenings where only the verified can dance the night away, with age and identity as their undisputed pass.
- Government ID Credential:
- Predicate: The Year of Birth must be "lessThanOrEqualTo" the current year minus the legal age for entry to confirm the patron is of legal age.