The code from this project is to be part of an online music streaming service. The Playlist class is to perform a lot of the functionality such as:
- Add a song
- Remove a song
- Get the current song
- Get the next song
- Get the previous song
- Move to the next song
- Move to the previous song
- Jump to an index in the playlist
- Clear the playlist
- Shuffle the playlist
- Reverse the playlist
The test code is already written and outlines the functionality of the class. You will need to build out the functionality of a Playlist class.
The goals to get as many tests to pass in the time given without changing the test code.Z
- Navigate to
- Click the fork button in Github
- Clone the fork to your computer
git clone
- You can work on the master branch for this exam
Some advice: When you get a test to pass, commit the code.
git commit -a -m "Your comment in here"
These classes may be useful to build out the solution.
ArrayList -
Collections -
You do not have to use these classes and can design the program with different classes if you wish.
Commit your code
git commit -a -m "Add your comment here"
Push the code to your fork
git push origin master
Open a Pull Request from your fork to the original repo.