This game is made as a part of Assignment-1 of the course Graphics inspired from original pacman killer game.
The game provides support for infinite world and also mouse drag support for controlling the ball.
create a new folder named build inside the original directory.
cd into that dir and then run <cmake ..>
Now run and then trun the executable graphics_assgn1
The player consists of the orange color ball. The player can jump from the ground and take left and right turns in mid air.
The player can also dive into the pond and make movements in the pond and jump from the pond.
The game consists of flying balls. The player has to collide itself with these flying balls to gain points. Some flying balls have planks placed on them at different angles which can cause the deflection of the player.
There is a trampoline which accelerates the jump of the player.
There is a porcupine, constantly moving between the pond and the left boundary of the window and other between pond and trampoline, which will reduce the score of the player if the player makes a contact with it,and on contact the porcupine disappears. The porcupine shall appear at level >= 2;
As the name suggests, the magnet shall appear at level 3, and it will be located near the top left corner of the window. The magnet shall pull the player ball towards the left side of the window;
yellow ball = 30 pts
red ball = 20 pts
Blue ball = 10 pts
And any ball with a plank has an extra score of 10 points
For colliding with the porcupine each time, the player gets a penalty of -100 points.
LEVEL-2 -> AT SCORE >= 100
LEVEL-3 -> AT SCORE >=500
UP -> space bar
LEFT -> 'a'
RIGHT -> 'd'
quit -> 'q'
zoom in & out -> mouse scroll
Drag -> Left mouse button
panning -> left and right arrow key