This release includes an update of the entity linkers to use the latest UMLS release (2022AB), which includes information about newer entities like COVID-19.
In [10]: doc = nlp("COVID-19 is a global pandemic.")
In [11]: linker = nlp.get_pipe('scispacy_linker')
In [12]: linker.kb.cui_to_entity[doc.ents[0]._.kb_ents[0][0]]
CUI: C5203670, Name: COVID19 (disease)
Definition: A viral disorder generally characterized by high FEVER; COUGH; DYSPNEA; CHILLS; PERSISTENT TREMOR; MUSCLE PAIN; HEADACHE; SORE THROAT; a new loss of taste and/or smell (see AGEUSIA and ANOSMIA) and other symptoms of a VIRAL PNEUMONIA. In severe cases, a myriad of coagulopathy associated symptoms often correlating with COVID-19 severity is seen (e.g., BLOOD COAGULATION; THROMBOSIS; ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME; SEIZURES; HEART ATTACK; STROKE; multiple CEREBRAL INFARCTIONS; KIDNEY FAILURE; catastrophic ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODY SYNDROME and/or DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION). In younger patients, rare inflammatory syndromes are sometimes associated with COVID-19 (e.g., atypical KAWASAKI SYNDROME; TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME; pediatric multisystem inflammatory disease; and CYTOKINE STORM SYNDROME). A coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, in the genus BETACORONAVIRUS is the causative agent.
TUI(s): T047
Aliases (abbreviated, total: 47):
2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection, SARS-CoV-2 Disease, Human Coronavirus 2019 Infection, SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder), Disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, 2019 nCoV Disease, 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19 Virus Disease, Virus Disease, COVID-19
It also includes a small bug fix to the abbreviation detector.
Note: The models (e.g. en_core_sci_sm
) are still labeled as version v0.5.1
, as this release did not involve retraining the base models, only the entity linkers.
What's Changed
- Fix typo by @andyjessen in #453
- Update README.md by @dakinggg in #456
- Update to the latest UMLS version by @dakinggg in #474
New Contributors
- @andyjessen made their first contribution in #453
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2