This small API works using Flask-Restplus as black-end's framework. It also depend from the original PokeApi, this API is a sort of wrapper around it which has it own capabilities.
It has two different endpoints:
- /advantages
- POST: Expects two move types and base on them determinates
- If the first one can deal double_damage_to to the second on
- If the first one can take half_damage_from the second type
- If the first one can take no_damage_from the second type
- POST: Expects two move types and base on them determinates
- /moves
- POST: Check for moves in common shared by a pokemon list
- Return the shared moves
- Moves can be requested in different language
- POST: Check for moves in common shared by a pokemon list
All the resquests are documented using Swagger.
For installing the package, you can use the following commands:
pip install -qU -r requirements.txt
And then, you just need to start the application. You can take a look on the root
for an basic example
If you want to request info, you'll need to point to {your_host}/api/v1/
, this api/v1
represents the blueprint for the API.
For instance
is the valid endpoint for requesting advantages comparations.
Swagger will be available at
and is a JSON representation of the API Documentation
Since this API depents so much in requets, it saves the JSON response for move_types and pokemons to help speed up the transactions from second time and ahead