This ISA package contains many functions for calculating many parameters about the International Stardard Atmosphere (ISA).
Equations extracted from Wikipedia and recalculated personally for avoiding errors.
Programmed for MATLAB in MATLAB 2012b.
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
This function models the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) between 0 and 47000 m from the surface.
z --> Altitude (m).
T --> Temperature (K)
P --> Pressure (Pa)
rho --> Density (kg/m^3)
Altitude Calculation Function
This function calculates the altitude in which the condition stablished as a parameter is correct.
n --> String which can be:
'T' --> The parameter is a temperature (K).
'P' --> The parameter is a pressure (Pa).
'rho' --> The parameter is a density (kg/m^3).
v --> Value of n in the units specified above (IS).
d --> Altitude in m that matches the specified condition.
Pressure Calculation Function for the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
This function calculates the pressure at a specified altitude.
z --> Altitude (m)
P --> Pressure (Pa)
Density Calculation Function for the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
This function calculates the density at a specified altitude.
z --> Altitude (m)
rho --> Density (kg/m^3)
Temperature Calculation Function for the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
This function calculates the temperature at a specified altitude.
z --> Altitude (m)
T --> Temperature (K)
Parameter function for ISA parameters
This function returns the value of the parameters used in the ISA equations as function of altitude.
z --> Altitude (m).
lambda --> Temperature gradient (K/m).
T --> Reference temperature at a specified altitude (K).
P --> Reference pressure at a specified altitude (P).
rho --> Reference density at a specified altitude (kg/m^3).
Real Number Selection Function
This function selects the real numbers of an array of 1 row and returns only that real values, eliminating those with imaginary part.
m --> Complex number 1 row array
n --> Real number 1 row array