This Plugin provides basic vim support for our favourite computer algebra system CoCoA.
Its features include:
- syntax highlighting
- auto indentation
- move cursor to matching keyword using %
- folding
- snippets for neosnippet
- execution in a cocoa terminal window
- completion of all built-in cocoa functions using deoplete and deoplete-dictionary
To install CoCoA-Vim it is recommended to use one of the popular package managers for vim, e.g. vim-plug:
Plug 'abacus42/CoCoA-Vim'
To use all features, the following plugins need to be installed:
- neosnippet
- deoplete and deoplete-dictionary
- repl.nvim To execute your CoCoA functions using the terminal included in vim, you need to compile CoCoA with readline. Also remember to set the location of the cocoa5 executable in your $PATH variable.
To use snippets and the completion of cocoa functions, the path to CoCoA-Vim needs to be set. By default it assumes the plugin is installed in ~/.config/nvim/plugged
" specify the location of CoCoA-Vim/
let g:cocoavim#directory='~/.config/nvim/plugged'