This project is inspired by Fallen-Breath/MCDReforged. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all contributors to the project.
Helium is a extension system for Minecraft servers and it doesn't need any modify or modding to work on diverse Minecraft servers. Besides, Helium also provides built-in flexible script system and a extension manager(Just like the apt). Helium uses the dlls as extensions, which means you can use any language that can write dlls and cooperate with C++, such as C, C# or Java, to write Helium extensions.
Helium is based on C++, which means Helium is lightweight and incredibly fast. But as a trade-off, based the C++ also means poor binary portability and relatively poor maintainability. If portability is important to you, you may like to use Fallen-Breath/MCDReforged instead of using Helium.
For now Helium only supports Windows(x64), but we are planning to make a Linux version.
If you find any bugs or want to contact us, Our mail.
Helium is licensed by GPL-3.0-or-later license, check here for more details.
Here is our document.
Very very special thank to contributors of the following projects: