This repository implements DSSD : Deconvolutional Single Shot Detector. The code were borrowed heavily from SSD. The things I did was the DSSD network definition, including the backbone of resnet101, deconvolutional module, and the prediction modules. Code for training, distributed training, dataset loading and data augmention is the same as lufficc's SSD. Thanks @lufficc for his great job.
It is worth mentioning that I changed the DSSD321
to DSSD320
and DSSD513
to DSSD512
to fit pytorch convolution and deconvolution modules. The mAP will not be affected at all. In fact, I get a higher mAP than paper!
- Python3
- PyTorch 1.0 or higher
- yacs
- Vizer
- GCC >= 4.9
- OpenCV
git clone
#Required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
If your torchvision >= 0.3.0, nms build is not needed! We also provide a python-like nms, but is very slower than build-version.
# For faster inference you need to build nms, this is needed when evaluating. Only training doesn't need this.
cd ext
python build_ext develop
For Pascal VOC dataset, make the folder structure like this:
|__ VOC2007
|_ JPEGImages
|_ Annotations
|_ ImageSets
|_ SegmentationClass
|__ VOC2012
|_ JPEGImages
|_ Annotations
|_ ImageSets
|_ SegmentationClass
|__ ...
default is datasets
folder in current project, you can create symlinks to datasets
or export VOC_ROOT="/path/to/voc_root"
For COCO dataset, make the folder structure like this:
|__ annotations
|_ instances_valminusminival2014.json
|_ instances_minival2014.json
|_ instances_train2014.json
|_ instances_val2014.json
|_ ...
|__ train2014
|_ <im-1-name>.jpg
|_ ...
|_ <im-N-name>.jpg
|__ val2014
|_ <im-1-name>.jpg
|_ ...
|_ <im-N-name>.jpg
|__ ...
default is datasets
folder in current project, you can create symlinks to datasets
or export COCO_ROOT="/path/to/coco_root"
# edit script file
vi scripts/
# change line 2 export VOC_ROOT="/data/pzq/voc/VOCdevkit" to your path of VOC dataset.
# do the same change to the rest scripts file.
# for example, train DSSD320 on VOC:
sh scripts/
# for example, train DSSD320 with 4 GPUs:
sh scripts/
# for example, evaluate DSSD320:
python --config-file configs/resnet101_dssd320_voc0712.yaml
# for example, evaluate DSSD320 with 4 GPUs:
export NGPUS=4
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS --config-file configs/resnet101_dssd320_voc0712.yaml
Predicting image in a folder is simple:
python --config-file configs/resnet101_dssd320_voc0712.yaml --images_dir demo --ckpt [ckpt_path]
If you want to add your custom components, please see for more details.