Long Term Archive
Follow these steps to get a development environment for LTA:
cd ~/projects
git clone [email protected]:WIPACrepo/lta.git
cd lta
python3 -m venv ./env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install .[dev]
There is a helper script suru
that defines some common project
Try one of the following tasks:
suru check # Check dependency package versions
suru clean # Remove build cruft
suru coverage # Perform coverage analysis
suru dist # Create a distribution tarball and wheel
suru lint # Run static analysis tools
suru mongo # Start MongoDB in Docker (test-mongo)
suru rebuild # Test and lint the module
suru test # Test the module
The task rebuild
doesn't really build (no need to compile Python),
but it does run static analysis tools and unit/integration tests.
It is possible to test LTA locally. Use the following environment variable to disable authentication.
You'll need an instance of MongoDB for testing. If you've got Docker installed,
the command suru mongo
will start an in-memory instance of MongoDB. If you
need to point at a different MongoDB, configure these environment variables.
export LTA_MONGODB_HOST="localhost"
export LTA_MONGODB_PORT="27017"
Some LTA components depend on the File Catalog. You'll need to set up an
instance of the File Catalog for them to talk to. The instructions for
doing that can be found in the README.md
file of the File Catalog
LTA and the File Catalog can share the test instance of MongoDB, unless you prefer that the File Catalog have its own instance.
You can start an instance of LTA's REST server (sometimes called LTA DB) with a helper script:
Get yourself some testing data from the Data Warehouse.
mkdir /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109
cd /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109
scp jadenorth-3:/data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109/* .
A script resources/test-data-helper.sh
can be used to register these files with the
File Catalog. Here we invoke the 'add-catalog' subcommand to add files to the
catalog at the WIPAC site.
resources/test-data-helper.sh add-catalog WIPAC /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109
A script bin/picker.sh
is used to start a Picker component that interacts
with the LTA DB.
A script bin/bundler.sh
is used to start a Bundler component that interacts
with the LTA DB.
A script resources/make-transfer-request.sh
can be used to POST a TransferRequest object
to the LTA DB and get the data archival process started. An example of usage
would be:
resources/make-transfer-request.sh WIPAC NERSC /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109
This creates a transfer of /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109
WIPAC to the destination NERSC.
A script resources/test-data-reset.sh
automates this process:
- Clear files from the File Catalog
- Clear transfer requests from the LTA DB
- Register files with the File catalog
- Create a transfer request in the LTA DB
This script can be used to restart testing conditions within the system. By default, the component scripts have 30 second delays between work cycles, so the next test should happen automatically after 30 seconds. You can also change this configuration with environment variables; see the scripts used to start the component.