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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 20, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Repository files navigation

Home page for UTMIST.


Get familiar with the following language/framework/toolchain:

  • HTML + CSS (no JavaScript on the Frontend)
  • Pug, a templating language
  • Node.js, for building the site and continuous integration
  • We exclusively used Yarn for node package management.
  • TypeScript, type-checked JavaScript
  • Google Sheet API + Google Drive API, as a CMS/PseudoDatabase
  • Travis CI, a continuous integration service used here to build websites when the data change

How To X

Setup environment

  • Make sure node.js and yarn are installed. Some Debian/Ubuntu versions may have npm as a prerequisite for yarn.
  • Clone the repository, cd into the root.
  • Install packages by running yarn.
  • Upgrade packages if necessary by running yarn upgrade.
  • Use a static server of your choice to serve the repository, navigate to index.html
  • To compile .pug templates in watch mode, run yarn start.
  • To compile the templates just once, run yarn build.

Update Content

  • Events/Execs: update the corresponding Google Sheet or use the Google Form, Travis CI will automatically update the site daily
  • Other components: find the corresponding resource in the repository, make changes and commit

Add Sub-page

  • One simple page/component
    • Add a new .pug file in the repository root
      • If the file describes a complete page (starts with <html>), just compile after you are done, you should see a new .html file with the same name as the .pug
      • If the .pug file is a component, include it in the existing .pug files and compile
    • DON'T DIRECTLY EDIT THE HTML, they are generated from .pug and will get overwritten daily
  • Self-contained sub directory
    • Create a sub directory in the repository root (e.g. new_site)
    • Put all your files in there, treat it as a separate static website
    • Remember to serve from the root and navigate to localhost\new_site\, because Github will serve the page with\new_site\

Folder Structure

  • assets\: static assets such as images, video, large text
  • common\: components used to stitch together a web page
  • Fonts\,Log\: website branding
  • database\: JSON copies of UTMIST data, fetched from Google Sheets, used by Travis to generate the site. It is not really a database, but acts as the source of "business data".
  • files\: files referenced by the database
  • index.css,index.html,index.pug: entry point when users visit
  • node_modules\: packages downloaded by npm or yarn. Not tracked by git.
  • .nojekyll: Github by default tries to build the repository with Jekyll, but our site is totally static, turning it off speeds up deployment (almost instant)
  • .travis.yml: configures how Travis builds the site, please put security tokens in Travis environment variables instead of here
  • compile.js: load in data from database and compiles .pug files
  • watch.js: compile on file change, useful for development
  • fetch.js,fetch.ts: grabs info from Google Sheet and Google Drive and dump into database\ and files\, used by Travis
  • package.json,yarn.lock: file used by yarn/npm to track dependencies
  • tsconfig.json: tells TypeScript how to check and compile .ts code

Build Process

The build process is designed to minimize the manual house-keeping of the developer. For frequent changes such as adding events and adding members, Google Sheet API & Google Drive API pull the changes into the repository automatically. This process is run by Travis.

graph TD;
Daily --> Google
Dev("Commit to dev branch") --> Google
Google("Google Drive & Sheet") --fetch.js--> Repo("dumped in database, files")
Google --fail to fetch--> Nochange("Not built")
Repo --compile.js--> Built("Generated HTML&CSS")
Repo --fail to compile--> Nochange
Built --> Github("Github Pages")

Remember to put Google API tokens and Github tokens in Travis environment variables, not in plain text anywhere in the repository.