These scripts allow manipulation of component data from a font by editing a text file (likely in a spreadsheet). These two scripts were written in 2006 for John Hudson at Tiro Typeworks. The scripts run in FontLab with RoboFab installed, RoboFont, and likely Glyphs with RoboFab installed. Of the three, these scripts have been tested by John in FontLab. Brief testing has been done in RoboFont, and this has not been tested in Glyphs with RoboFab installed. However, nothing outside of the standard RoboFab library is being done, so it should work in Glyphs as long as you have the latest version of from
This script offers will take in the data generated by the script and will rebuild the components based on the data taken from the text file. The script offers the ability to both dump the data and fuse the data into the current font.
Will ask for a dump file and will then rebuild the font’s components from the dump file data. Offers the option to mark changed glyphs, and create backup glyphs of any changed glyphs, labeled by glyph name + .bkup as the backup glyph name.
Will look through a font and write out a text file that lists any glyph with a component(s), one glyph per line of the file. On each line, the script writes the glyph name, the width of the glyph, and then each component name and x, y offset for that component. These values are all semicolon separated.
The same as the Dump option in But sometimes it’s nice just to be run a script without any options.