- Hetionet : Integrating Biology into a Public Neo4j Database
Cypher Commands :
Delete relationship:
- f""" MATCH()-[r:"RELATION_NAME"]-() DELETE r """
Create relationship:
- f"""MATCH (a:"nodeName1"), (b:"nodeName2")where nodeName1.attribute="value" and nodeName2.attribute="value" CREATE (a)-[r:"RelationName"]->(b) RETURN type(r), r.name"""
Create node:
- f"""CREATE ( Disease : Disease{{ id : "{line[0]}", name : "{line[1]}", kind : "{line[2]}" }})"""
Find relationship of a noe:
- f"""MATCH p=()-[r:"relationshipName"]->() RETURN p LIMIT 25"""
Delete all relationship of a node:
- f"""MATCH ()-[r:"relationshipName"]-() delete r
- hdfs namenode -formate
- start-all.cmd
- resource-manager: all map-reduce programs that are executed in the system http://localhost:8088/cluster
- namenode UI: http://localhost:50070/dfshealth.html#tab-overview
- copy file to hadoop directory: hadoop fs -mkdir "filename"