This project is a Streamlit web application for assessing and ranking the quality of uploaded images based on predefined criteria. The app utilizes OpenAI's GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to generate text descriptions for each image criterion, providing detailed insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the images.
try it out:
- Multi-Image Upload: Users can upload multiple images in common formats (jpg, jpeg, png) for simultaneous assessment.
- Image Display: Uploaded images are displayed in a visually appealing layout with image names and captions.
- Quality Assessment: The app calculates image quality scores based on predefined criteria and weights.
- Best Image Selection: The app identifies and displays the image with the highest quality score, along with a styled success box.
- Criterion Descriptions: For transparency, the app generates text descriptions for each criterion of the best image using OpenAI GPT.
- Dynamic Weighting: Users can dynamically adjust weights for each criterion to customize the assessment.
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up your OpenAI API key in the environment variables or directly in the script.
- Run the app: streamlit run
- Upload at least two images.
- Click the "Assess Image Quality" button to view the best image and detailed criterion descriptions.
- Customize the assessment by adjusting criterion weights.
- Python
- OpenAI GPT
- Streamlit
- OpenCV