This project provides helps for using Cassandra in services.
./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
Install Java 8 as described at
Install Apache Cassandra as described at
This jar requires a implementation of CassandraConfigDetails from application
Multi-tenancy is reached by providing separate key space on a per tenant basis.
For every tenant a new keyspace is created internally. can be passed using CassandraConnectionData. if you are using same connector details for keyspaces then reuse the same session
The version numbers follow the Semantic Versioning scheme.
In addition to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH the following postfixes are used to indicate the development state.
- RELEASE - General availability indicates that this release is the best available version and is recommended for all usage.
The versioning layout is {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}-{INDICATOR}[.{PATCH}]. Only milestones and release candidates can have patch versions. Some examples:
Use CassandraJourneyFactory to manage migrations within a key space.