Angular Web Application for the company Amsta Amsterdam.
To see the application there are some things that needs to be configured before running it. So please follow to following document. If you want to further develop the application, see: development.
A way to host the database and web application itself.
A phpmyadmin environment was used to host the database during testing and release.
We connected this with an PHP api to the application running angular.
Install and configure the SQL host.
See: for the settings for the host.
When you have an SQL Host.
Step 1) Creating the database.
Run the CreateDB.sql file in your sql host.
Step 2) Configuring the connection.
See: src/app/services/xxxx and change line:18 of the services.ts files
(\/ the dots below)
private xxxxUrl = 'https://..../api/xxxx.php'; // URL to web api
Step 3) Run the application.
For getting the user passwords see: /doc/manual.pdf
See: /doc/manual.pdf For the entire installation and configuring process and a (almost)full manual of the application.
Before developing the application you'll need some things installed.
The easiest way of installing the needed libaries, compilers etc etc is by node.js package manager. Download link: Node.js
(Link to npm) for documentation
Than you will need to install Angular Cli.
See the readme for install process
Note: it IS NOT needed to create a new Project !
After you have installed angular Cli you're almost done.
Get this repository to your local drive (preferred with git access)
And type the following command:
ng serve --open
Now the application is running and you can start developing.
Currently the application is in private use by Amsta Amsterdam.
- HTML 5 - To get some basic markup and text done
- CSS 3 - So the html markup has some styling
- Bootstrap 4 - So we don't have to reinvent the 'css' wheel 100*
- JavaScript - For getting some interaction on the web app
- TypeScript - For bringing the OOP principals to javascript
- Angular - JavaScript Framework to let our web app really rock!
- PHP - So we can get data trough a API from our database in Json format.
- MySQL / PHPmyAdmin - For the database
- IntelliJ Idea - In what we developed the (start) application.
- Thijs Zijdel
app/Amsta (folder for application)
- /paths/ (for info, send me a message)
data (folder for db dummy data)
- CreateDB.sql (sql create dummy database query)
doc (folder for documentation)
- Manual.pdf (full manual, inc. installation)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - look at file for details.