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Matrix for iOS macOS Data Format Description

johnzjchen edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 3 revisions

Matrix for iOS/macOS Data Format Description


Implement MatrixPluginListenerDelegate and get the data returned by the monitoring plugin via - (void)onReportIssue:(MatrixIssue *)issue.

The monitoring data is encapsulated in the MatrixIssuse. The following is a description of each of the MatrixIssue fields:

  • issueTag

    Indicates which plugin the current issue object belongs to; the tag for each plugin can get by +[MatrixPlugin getTag].

  • issueID

    The unique identifier of the current issue.

  • dataType & filePath & issueData

    dataType indicates the data type of the current issue's data, defined in EMatrixIssueDataType. If the dataType is EMatrixIssueDataType_Data, the data is in issueData; If the dataType is EMatrixIssueDataType_FilePath, the data is in the file corresponding to filePath.

  • reportType

    The reportType is defined by each plugin.

    In WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin:

    • If the reportType is EMCrashBlockReportType_Crash, the data carried in the current issue is the crash log;
    • If the reportType is EMCrashBlockReportType_Lag, the data carried in the current issue is the lag log.
  • customInfo

    Some issues may carry some additional information.


After processing MatrixIssue, call -[Matrix reportIssueComplete:success:] to delete the data corresponding to the issue locally.

If -[Matrix reportIssueComplete:success:] is not called, the log will still exist in the application local.

Data of WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin

The plugin will call back the crash log and the lag log via - (void)onReportIssue:(MatrixIssue *)issue.

Crash Log

When the issueTag of the MatrixIssue object is +[WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin getTag] and the reportType is EMCrashBlockReportType_Crash, the data carried by MatrixIssue is the crash log.

The crash log data format is JSON: sample.

Lag Log

When the issueTag of the MatrixIssue object is +[WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin getTag] and the reportType is EMCrashBlockReportType_Lag, the data carried by MatrixIssue is the lag log (except dumptype is 2011)

The lag log data format is JSON: sample.

In the MatrixIssue corresponding to the lag log, customInfo has additional info:

  • g_crash_block_monitor_custom_dump_type "dumptype"

    Indicate the type of the lag data in the MatrixIssue belongs to. The data in a MatrixIssue belongs to only one type of lag, and the type of the lag is defined in EDumpType;

  • g_crash_block_monitor_custom_file_count "filecount"

    Indicate how many files of the JSON data in the MatrixIssue are composed of;

  • g_crash_block_monitor_custom_report_id "reportID"

    The reportID of all the lag logs contained in the current MatrixIssue data, reportID makes it easy to manage the lag logs.

Use matrix/matrix-iOS/Script/ to parse the JSON to a plain text.

Power-Consuming Stack

When the issueTag of the MatrixIssue object is +[WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin getTag] and the reportType is EMCrashBlockReportType_Lag, and the dumpType of the customInfo in MatrixIssue is EDumpType_PowerConsume 2011, the data carried by MatrixIssue is the power-consuming stack.

The Power-Consuming Stack format is JSON: sample.

Use matrix/matrix-iOS/Script/ to parse the JSON to a plain text.

Data of WCMemoryStatPlugin

The plugin will call back memory allocation and callstack related to a out-of-memory event with - (void)onReportIssue:(MatrixIssue *)issue.

When the issueTag of the MatrixIssue object is +[WCMemoryStatPlugin getTag], the data carried by MatrixIssue is out-of-memory data.

The out-of-memory report data format is JSON: sample.


In the data, uuid refers to the binary uuid corresponding to the address, and offset is the address offset of the symbol in the binary.

	"head": {
        "protocol_ver": 1,				# protocol version, current(version 1), required
		"phone": "oppo",				# string,device type, required
		"os_ver": "android-17",			# Android(api level), iPhone(iOS version), required
 		"launch_time": timestamp,		# launch time, unix timestamp, required
		"report_time": timestamp,		# report time, unix timestamp, required
		"app_uuid": uuid				# app uuid, required
 		// custom field
 		"uin": uin						# uin, optional
	"items": [{
		"tag": "iOS_MemStat",
        "info": "",
		"scene": "WCTimeLine",			# FOOM Scene
		"name": "NSObject",				# class name
		"size": 123456,					# allocated memory size
		"count": 123,					# object count
		"stacks": [{
			"caller": "uuid@offset",	# caller who allocated the memory
			"size": 21313,				# total size
			"count": 123,				# object count
			"frames": [{
				"uuid": "uuid",
				"offset": 123456