Domino pieces for machine learning tasks.
- InferenceModelPiece - Runs inference from a pickle file with a trained sklearn model.
- OpenCVFilterPiece - Runs an OpenCV filter on an image.
- PCATrainPiece - Trains a PCA model over a tabular dataset.
- PCAInferencePiece - Runs inference from a pickle file with a trained PCA model.
- StandardScalerPiece - Runs a standard scaler on a tabular dataset.
- TSNEPiece - Applies t-SNE dimensionality reduction to a tabular dataset.
- UMAPPiece - Applies UMAP dimensionality reduction to a tabular dataset.
- TrainTestSplitPiece - Splits a tabular dataset into train and test sets.
- TrainRandomForestClassifierPiece - Trains a random forest classifier over a tabular dataset.