Spotify-dl version: 1.0.2
- added logic retry youtube links up to a max of 10 links if there is a failure for whatever reason
- added support for saved albums - requires auth, new flag is --sa
- added support for saved playlists - requires auth, new flag is --sp
- added support for saved tracks - requires auth, new flag is --st
- Added a new flag --oo which will force all downloaded songs into the output dir (-o flag), without the --oo songs will always save a track in - artist/album/song.mp3 irrelevant of what is being downloaded
- Added support for auth of a user to get saved albums, playlists and tracks, If you provide a username and password (--u and --p) we will attempt to autologin, otherwise a browser prompt will be served for users. when non tty an error will be thrown when attempting --sa,sp or st as we cannot serve a browser without user interaction
- There is now basic support for users to overwrite default flags in config.js
- added support for auto removal of sponsors and other irrelevant non music sections within songs
- bunch of DRY throughout the code so we end up with the same song data at the download step
Huge thanks to @phyzical for this update 🎉