tldr: It receives Stripe events, and forwards them to the correct shop.
When events happen at Stripe (e.g. a user completes a payment), Then, if you have configured webhook endpoint in Stripe) will send the events you ask for, to you webhook endpoint.
Note: During webhook creation, you tell Stripe which events you're interested it. It is an error to ask for all events, unless the webhook endpoint implements a listener for every event type.
At the time of writing:
- checkout.session.completed
- payment_intent.succeeded
tldr: Every Subscribie shop, if connected to Stripe has a 'Stripe connect express account'.
Subscribie shops use Stripe express accounts, see The events send to this code are recieved for all Subscribie shops, and this code routes the events to the correct Subscribie shop.
The Stripe connect_account
id, and the Subscribie shop url
are stored in Redis.
When a Stripe event is recieved, the following happens:
- The event is validated to check it came from Stripe Blocked if not valid.
- The Subscribie shop url is checked by comparing with the
recieved from Stripe - The Strip event is forwarded to the correct Shop
Note: We used to have one webhook for each Shop- this cannot work because Stripe limits the number of webhooks you can create to 15.
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp .env.example .env
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run
See apache example config & wsgi config example in repo. (assumes mod wsgi is installed & enabled on apache)
- Check the webhook is not already created (do you already see the endpoint?) There should be two, one endpoint for connect accounts in testmode, and one for connect accounts in live mode.
e.g. and
Note: Stripe livemode is always true for Stripe connect. Why? Because Stripe connect accounts can either be in live or test mode so the live/test mode config is moved to each Stipe connect account (and they can change their account to be in live or test mode).
- If not, create it:
in this repo:
. venv/bin/activate
Stripe secret api key:sk_live_abc123
Webhook url:
"api_version": null,
"application": "ca_",
"created": ,
"description": null,
"enabled_events": [
"id": "we_",
"livemode": true,
"metadata": {},
"object": "webhook_endpoint",
"secret": "whsec_ndisofndio23iono",
"status": "enabled",
"url": ""
- Copy the
from the output, this app needs the secret to verify the events come from Stripe. - Set the dokku app secret:
dokku config:set testing-stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET=<secret>
It it not possible or desireable to create Stripe webhooks endpoints in 'test mode' using the UI, they are all live by default. We must use the api for that.
- test mode, is where all shops in test mode Stripe sends events to including our GithubAction playwright tests , they are in test mode too
Event types checkout.session.completed payment_intent.succeeded
Signing secret
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"account":"-1"}' <host> | grep "No site_url for that account id"
Listen for webhooks using stripe cli (forwarding to this app) Also, on another port, run a shop locally on another port (e.g. flask run --port 5001) Then start the checkout process to generate events.
Listen locally to only the events which need to be processed using stripe cli:
stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded --forward-to