Here are couple of plugins that I've wrote for myself. You'll probably want to tweak them according to your needs before usage.
Each category is treated more or less as a separate blog. Archive pages and tags are per category.
I've configured Jekyll's permalink as /:categories/:year/:month/:title.html
so categories are named url-friendly (smallcase, no spaces etc.). Tags are on
the other hand free form, so I mangle tag names to form urls.
Generator won't run unless there is layout named categories
, which is also
a default layout that will be used if there is no layout named same as category.
Titles for category pages are read from config. For each category, key #{category}_title
is used.
Gallery plugin generates gallery pages from image folders.
Example directory structure:
- photos
- 2012-07-25-Summer Vacation
- thumbs
- image1.jpg
- image1.jpg
- thumbs
- 2012-09-10-Birthday Party
- thumbs
- image2.jpg
- image2.jpg
- thumbs
- 2012-07-25-Summer Vacation
Only config parameter is file system path to images direstory.