#Vagrant Puppet Development Environment
Reproducible Development Environment for Puppet
- Puppet5 Support
- Debian 9 based
- Debian 8
- Debian 9
- Centos 7
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts
virtual box
4+ GB of RAM
Setup a Puppet Environment:
* puppet.local (puppetmaster/puppetserver)
* puppetdb.local (puppetdb)
* postgres-puppetdb.local (postgresql database)
Add up to five clients.
* puppetclient-{01-05}.local (puppet agent)
##Get Startet
* clone the repository
* if you want/need hiera-eyaml-gpg support, place a private puppetmaster gpg
key without passphrase inside the vagrant directory, name it
puppetmaster.gpg.sec, it will be importet, dependencies will be installed
* edit Vagrantfile{V3,V4} in line 25/26, set this to the pwd
* run yes_create_a_puppet_development_environment.sh
* decide which version and clients you need, the environment will be build
* you can just start coding within the puppet directories located in the
vagrant directory. You could also move the existing code to an new git
repo and modify the vagrant
file to mount your new git.
##Transfer existing Code to new Git and mounting transfer the existing code to new git
cd ~/
mkdir new-puppet-dev
cd new-puppet-dev
git init
cp -r /path/to/vagrant/puppet/hieradata .
cp -r /path/to/vagrant/puppet/manifests .
cp -r /path/to/vagrant/puppet/modules .
edit Vagrantfile edit the following line to the puppet host (Line 25 [V4]/line 26 [V3])
puppet.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/local/git", "/path/to/puppet/environment/directory"
reload vagrant
vagrant reload
##Basic Usage start an environment
stop an environment
vagrant halt
destroy an environment
connect to a vagrant box
vagrant ssh *boxname*
connect different OS Clients to puppetmaster
- go to clients directory
- choose the OS with the matching puppet version (p5 =Puppet5)
- boxes puppetclient0{1-10} are prepared for each OS.
- execute vagrant global-status
- start up the next box in a row:
- vagrant up puppetclient0n